Friday, June 29, 2012

Plane hijacking foiled in restive western China

(AP) ? Passengers and crew foiled a hijacking attempt by six people on a plane in China's restive far-western Xinjiang region Friday, a regional airline and state media said.

The attempt was made just after the plane took off from Hotan in southern Xinjiang for the regional capital of Urumqi and the six suspects were detained after the plane returned safely, the Tianshan regional government's news portal said.

Tianjin Airlines said on its website that the plane returned to Hotan 22 minutes after takeoff.

Tianshan's report did not give further details, such as how the hijacking was foiled, how many passengers were on the plane or what was known about the suspects' motive or ethnicity.

Hotan has been the scene of recent clashes between ethnic Uighurs (pronounced WEE'-gurs) and authorities. The Uighurs say they resent government controls on their religion and culture.

The government says China faces an organized terrorist threat from radical Muslim groups in the region and that it has invested heavily to raise living standards in Xinjiang.

The phone listed for Hotan police rang unanswered Friday. A man who identified himself as a police officer and gave only his family name Wang at Xinjiang Department of Public Security said no more information on the hijacking attempt was available.

In 2008, state media reported that a Uighur woman made an unsuccessful attempt to hijack a passenger plane flying to Beijing from Urumqi.

In general, threats to civil aviation in China are believed to be rare.

Associated Press


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Extensive NJ cargo ship search turns up no stowaways

Federal authorities used X-ray machines, K-9 units and officers to search more than 160 of the 2,000 containers aboard the 850-foot Ville D'Aquarius at Port Newark, one of the nation's busiest ports.

By Samantha Henry,?Associated Press / June 28, 2012

This image made from video provided by Eyewitness News WABC-TV shows an aerial view of a container ship in Newark with suspected stowaways. Dock workers rushed to unload containers stacked on top of one another inside a cargo ship that arrived in New Jersey from the Middle East, on June 27, after Coast Guard officials heard knocking from one during a routine inspection, suggesting that stowaways might be on board.

Eyewitness News WABC-TV/AP


An extensive cargo ship search that was triggered by a knocking sound ended Thursday without authorities finding any?stowaways.

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Federal authorities used X-ray machines, K-9 units and officers to search more than 160 of the 2,000 containers aboard the 850-foot Ville D'Aquarius at Port Newark, one of the nation's busiest ports.

When the vessel arrived from the Mideast early Wednesday, it was met by law enforcement officials and more than a dozen ambulances. Large mechanical cranes began unloading containers from the ship.

The source of the noise remained a mystery.

"After a lengthy and exhaustive inspection by Department of Homeland Security officials, the search forstowaways?aboard the Ville D'Aquarius has concluded with no?stowaways?found," the department said in a statement Thursday morning following a search that lasted through the night.

A Coast Guard team had boarded the ship outside New York Harbor early Wednesday as the ship prepared to dock, spokesman Charles Rowe said. The officers were knocking on a bulkhead, or partition, of the ship as a routine security check and heard knocks back, he said, but they couldn't pinpoint the source of the sound. The return knocks ended after about two hours, Rowe said.

The team followed protocol and didn't open containers at sea in order to control the situation, he said.

The steel shipping containers are usually 8 feet wide and 8- to 10-feet high and either 20- or 40-feet long, designed to withstand the rigors of the high seas and are strong enough to be stacked several high.

They normally can be opened only from the outside. There's hardly any ventilation.

Rowe said it took about eight minutes to check each container ? unloading it off the ship, opening it up and X-raying it if necessary.

The manifest of the suspected container said it was carrying machine parts to Norfolk, Va., and was loaded in India, Rowe said.

The ship began its voyage May 30 in the United Arab Emirates, then made one stop in Pakistan and two stops in India. Its last port before Newark was in Egypt on June 15.

Speaking at an unrelated news conference, Andrew McLees, special agent in charge of Homeland Security investigations for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said the ship's origin and itinerary prompted the initial search.

"The routing of the ship and the ports of call was what led to the actions," McLees said.

Michael Ward, the FBI's top official in New Jersey, said the response was appropriate given the port's vulnerability. The area is considered a prime potential target for terrorists.

"You're going to get a response like this any time you have these types of facts," Ward said. "It was an appropriate response which we did out of an abundance of caution."

Shipping companies are legally responsible for keeping?stowaways?off their vessels, said Frank Atcheson, a maritime lawyer based in North Bergen, N.J. When?stowaways?are found, the companies are liable not only for fines but also must pay to house the?stowaways?where they are found and for secure transportation back to where they originated.

Between January 1998 and Dec. 16, 2011, more than 13,000?stowaways?were found in more than 4,000 incidents around the world, according to the International Maritime Organization.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Program: Roots | SP Diet Plan

Posted on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 11:07am?-?0 Comments ?

I was in New York yesterday meeting some physicians and practices interested in bringing the SP Program into their facilities. ?At lunchtime, we passed a real New York City pizza place, and as I grew up in Nuuu Yooork, you know exactly what I wanted for lunch. ?The term in New York is ?Lets get a slice?, and the slice obviously refers to a slice of pizza. ?That term is ?not used in our area. ?As I was chowing down on my lunch, and telling my really fun business associates not to take a video of the weight loss Doctor eating pizza and then posting it on You Tube. I started thinking more about how all of us grew up and the types of foods we were all exposed to. ?For my southern patients, I have heard that fried foods were abundant. ?For my Italian patients, I am told that pasta dishes were the most prominent. ?Pretty much every ethnic/regional group will have food (or drink) sources indigenous to that area or culture. ?To some extent, these ?roots? carry through to our adult years regardless of where we relocate to. ?And when we do go back ?home?, we will often revert back to the old homegrown eating habits, and strongly encouraged by our family members and/or friends that still live there. ?During your weight loss journey, try to be cognizant of these ?roots? issues and identify the foods that need to be avoided or minimized. ?(By the way, the ?slice? tasted great).

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Online Video Use Exceeds 84%: Marketers ... - Business 2 Community

When over 8 in 10 US Internet users are doing something, marketers should take notice. New data from comscore Video Metrix reports that in May of 2012, 84.5% of the US internet audience watched online video. On average, online viewers consumed 21.9 hours of video, up from 15.9 hours a year earlier (a 38% year-on-year increase). Overall, 180 million US Internet users watched some 36.6 billion online content videos in May 2012, surpassing the 10-billion mark for the first time ever.? To put these numbers in context, if you assume that the average feature-length film is around 110 minutes in length, the average US Internet user would?ve watched the equivalent of 12 movies online in May of 2012.

To put it another way, that?s like watching the 1954 Cecile B Demille classic The Ten Commandments six times in one month (don?t try this at home-or anywhere).

Google sites generated by far the highest number of online views (17.6 billion), followed by Hulu (888 million) and Yahoo Sites (845 million).?

This of course presents a huge opportunity for online marketers. In fact, eMarketer estimates that US online video ad spending will reach $7.11 billion by 2015, up from $2.16 billion in 2011. In the past year alone, growth was 52.1%.?

Why are they so sanguine about the future of online video advertising? Probably because it works. In May of 2012, over 10 billion online video ads were viewed, more than double the 4.6 billion in May of 2011. Hulu generated the highest number of video ad impressions (1.6 billion), followed by Google Sites (1.4 billion).? This is surprising, given that Google sites enjoyed over 17 billion online views to Hulu?s relatively paltry 888 million (I presume this has something to do with online marketers cashing in on the low-hanging fruit of Hulu?s TV-like format).

Here?s the key point: online video ads reached 52% of the total US population an average of 64 times during the month (up from 34 in May 2011).?

As exciting as the possibilities are for online video advertising, challenges remain. According to a Brightroll survey of US ad agencies, high prices, limited reach and lack of targeting are considered the top three growth hurdles. However, the adoption of cost-per-view and cost-per-engagement pricing models, more interactive video content, and the personalization and targeting of video ads will likely resolve these issues over time, as online video advertising matures as a marketing channel.?


For business owners and marketers, the explosion in online video consumption represents a massive opportunity if handled properly. To be effective, your online video marketing strategy should incorporate a healthy mix of video content that mirrors and compliments your other content marketing media. You?ll want to craft online video content that targets your buyer personas, and aligns with and/or is structured around your TOFU, MOFU, or BOFU offers.

Any decent online video marketing strategy should also take into account the rapid consumer shift to mobile devices generally and tablets specifically. eMarketer projects nearly 70 million US consumers will use a tablet by the end of 2012. By 2015, over half of all internet users will be tablet users.?

Accordingly, make sure you take some time to really think about how your online video content offers and advertising initiatives will mesh with your target audience?s mobile experience.

Finally, remember that there is no substitute for action. Start small, experiment, tweak. Don?t find excuses for inaction.

The online video age has arrived; you don?t want to be late to the party.

? Marketing Profs, ?Online Video Ads Reached Record High in May?

? eMarketer, ?Top Digital Trends for 2012?


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What Exactly is Amish Chicken? ? Eating Disorder Pro

What exactly is Amish Chicken?

photo used under a creative commons license

?I?ve been treating eating disorders (ED?s) and obesity for nearly 25 years and have always had good outcomes. My rate of success improved dramatically, however, when I discovered the critical role that processed food plays in causing as well as in preventing recovery from Anorexia, Bulimia, Bulimarexia, (a combination of the two) Binge Eating Disorder (BED,) Emotional Eating and Obesity. To this end, I find it of great importance to provide both my patients and readers with relevant nutrition information to aid in their recovery. You can view all my Nutrition, Fitness, and Health articles here.?

Lately, more and more supermarkets are carrying a variety of brands of ?Amish chicken?. What exactly is Amish chicken? Is it as good as organic, free-range chicken? When we think of chickens raised on Amish farms, we think of chickens raised on a family farm that are able to run in and out of the coop freely to roam freely in green pastures. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

The New York Times interviewed Ariane Daguin, co-owner of D?Artagan, a supplier of Amish chicken to New York restaurants and markets. When asked what was meant when chicken was labeled as being ?Amish?, she responded that it is simply ?a marketing ploy, it doesn?t mean anything?..the mystique of the Amish Label comes from it?s aura of naturalness?.

In many cases, Amish chickens are not raised in a free-range environment. They still lead fairly confined lives as free-roaming chickens. Free-roaming chickens are typically provided natural light, feed, water and ventilation, and are free to roam, as long as it is within the four walls of chicken coop. There aren?t any clear regulations set on what type of living conditions farmers have to provide to their free-roaming chickens.

Be careful of companies that claim that most of the farms that supply them are Amish-owned farms. Note, the label doesn?t say most of the chicken comes from these farms. They could use 60 family-owned Amish farms, but then use two factory farms for the remainder of their required supply. They might get a few thousand chicken from the Amish farms, but a much greater number of their chickens would be coming from factory farms. It?s also important to note that most Amish chicken is not actually processed by the Amish, but alongside factory-farm chickens at USDA-inspected industrial processing plants.

You might notice the packaging on your locally available Amish chicken states that the chickens are raised on all vegetarian diets. This sounds comforting at first, I mean who would want to eat chicken that has been raised on a diet of beef, pork, or even worse chicken?it?s just not natural! Vegetarian-raised chickens are typically provided with feed that is comprised largely of soy and corn. These are two of the most genetically-modified foods in the United States (for more information on the dangers of GM foods, be sure to check out my recent post ?Genetically Modified Foods: Are They Safe??.

I don?t know about you, but I?m going to play it safe and stick to free-range, organic, pastured chicken.

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Medical Advice Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.

? 2012, Dr J Renae Norton. This information is intellectual property of Dr J Renae Norton. Reproduction and distribution for educational purposes is permissible. Please credit ?? 2012, Dr J Renae Norton.

What is Amish Chicken?
From Gravy to Jus, Now Amish is Trendy

Tags: chicken, clean eating, food, groceries, health, nutrition, shopping

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Tatamoo vegan macadamia nut cheese review | Veggie Buntch ...

From the Tatamoo website

I first heard about Tatamoo a few weeks ago when one of my readers said it?s something that I really ought to check out. Vegan ?cheese? is something that many vegans and lactose-intolerant foodies enjoy and often crave. So I was quite interested to see how this newcomer would compare. I have tried soft nut cheeses in the past, which have a bit of a chevin feel about them, but Tatamoo is something quite different.

I got in touch with local Cape Town-based producer, Henni van der Westhuizen, who uses traditional cheese-making processes to hand-make a relatively hard, mature nut ?cheese?. He very kindly sent through a sample of the Macadamia Nut Cheese for me to try out.


Lovely packaging for this unique product

Tatamoo Macadamia Nut Cheese has a strong, unique flavour and a distinctive, slightly tart smell. You can clearly see the fatty, oily and rich nature of the nut cheese ? which is to be expected considering that it is packed full of nuts.

It has a firm, slightly grainy texture and slices easily ? which makes it great for sandwiches.

Tasted by itself, you get the total taste experience. Yes, there are hints of ?cheesiness?, which I think are achieved by the fact that it is matured, but it stands on its own with a fresh, new taste. Some people may be expecting something that tastes exactly like cheese. But let?s be honest: it is a nut cheese that is made from nuts ? not milk. In addition, Tatamoo is totally natural, has no preservatives or other nasties and is packed full of protein and healthy fats. It is not a chemically manufactured cheese imitation laden with flavourants, colourants etc trying to replicate the cheese taste. Rather, it is an innovative and interesting foray into creating something tasty and healthy.

For anyone who is vegan or lactose-intolerant, Tatamoo is an excellent addition to your food arsenal.


This is one vegan cheese you can slice

I have not explored very many different ways of preparing Tatamoo, but it is a killer sandwich addition ? particularly with some salt and pepper. Yum. I also got a sneak peek of the next addition to the Tatamoo stable ? Cashew Nut Cheese. Similar to the Macadamia Nut Cheese, it has a stronger, more pungent flavour. Also worth looking out for.


Tatamoo plus avo, salt and pepper = a yummy sandwich

For more information, get in touch with Henni directly ?on? Or check out the facebook page or website.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

SongFic[June] "What is real - just a dream"

I can't be
Losing sleep over this
No I can't
And now I cannot stop pacing

Her feet were begging her to sit down, but the anxiety that fueled her would not relent. Jaqlyn was crashing again, and this time no comfort would come from the voices in her head.

Give me a few hours
I'll have this all sorted out
If my mind would just stop racing

There was so much momentum to her thoughts, one turned to the next which turned to the next. It was endless and cycling, she slid down against the wall in her ship. There was silence all around her and the echoes of her former selves faded into the pausing of her heartbeats. Now her hands were trembling, denying her the ability to simply slip into rest.

Cause I cannot stand still
I can't be this unsturdy
This cannot be happening

How many times had she flirted with the edge of sanity? How close had she come to the verge of what she now let herself fall into?

This is over my head
But underneath my feet

Breathe, Jaq. In an out. It was simple yet oh so challenging...For with each breath out she felt how empty her body was, and with each breath in, she re-committed herself to living.

Cause by tomorrow morning I'll have this thing beat
And everything will be back to the way that it was
I wish that it was just that easy

One does not simply sub come to their subconscious' desires, they are undermined by them. Every day that she had lied to herself and said that she was fine, that everything would be okay, was just one more reason for her psyche to collapse. In a city with so many people, it was a marvel that she managed to feel so alone. The pit she was clawing at the sides of was one she had dug herself. Living under the crippling fear of rejection, she drew herself away from instances in which she might be rejected. One by one her friends turned away from her, not because they wanted to, but because Jaq gave them no reason to stay.

Cause I'm waiting for tonight
Then waiting for tomorrow
And I'm somewhere in between
What is real
Just a dream

Jaqlyn lifted her trembling hands to clutch at her temples, fingers going back into the onyx strands that capped her head. She was so frightened by her current state and yet she couldn't flee from it. Staying here, wallowing in this misery, that is what she assigned herself to endure. She wasn't worth rescuing, after all.
Would you catch me if I fall out of what I fell in

Don't be surprised if I collapse down at your feet again
I don't want to run away from this
I know that I just don't need this

Would no one come for her? Who was left? Acquaintances? Could she not be her own champion? Surely not. Not when she couldn't string two logical statements together.

Cause I cannot stand still
I can't be this unsturdy
This cannot be happening

A swallow was pushed hard down her throat as she took in a pill. Like candy, she took in another tablet and another, crowding her tight throat with the drugs. This would help, yes...Numb it all away.

Cause I'm waiting for tonight
Then waiting for tomorrow
And I'm somewhere in between
What is real
Just a dream

There would be no end to it. Tomorrow wouldn't come until she could exist in today. The trembling took over her whole form as she slowly curled on the metal floor of her empty ship. No one would find her here and the fallacies of her mental state would play out as a dream for her.

What is real
Just a dream

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Real Housewives of New York City Recap: Diss-Invite

Just when I thought this season of The Real Housewives of New York City might end up being the new housewives versus the old, "Diss-Invite" turned that fear upside down. It's actually become all of the housewives against Ramona. Who saw that coming? So let's recap it all in our THG +/- review.

First off, what do you think of the new housewives? When the opening conversation between Aviva and Carole consisted of what they'd eaten for breakfast…Aviva ate a hard boiled egg and Carole a sugar cookie for those who missed that fascinating tidbit…I thought about going to bed early. Minus 12. Are these women just that boring or do I need to get some more sleep?

The Real Housewives of NY Season 5 Cast

When Ramona showed up with gifts I was surprised by Aviva's comments. I realized that Ramona's pimping her own skin care line but it was still nice of her to hand out presents. Minus 5 to Aviva for the sarcasm.

Ramona's searching for Heather haters but it didn't seem to be working. As both Ramona and Heather talk too much a talking intervention was proposed. Wait. Would we still have a show if they all shut up?

Where was Sonja during lunch.  Well, she blew off Ramona to go hang out with arch enemy Luann. Now that's trouble. Minus 8. It simply wasn't nice to cancel on one friend in favor of another. Plus Luann did her best to stir up trouble between these two friends and it seemed to be working.

On a side not for Sonja…what's up with her intern/personal assistant/indentured servant? That whole situation is just plain weird.

After lunch Carole and her friend Tripp went and tried to blend in with the Occupy Wall Street crowd. Plus 10 for realizing that they were part of the 1%. Nice to know they could still mingle with the masses.

Second side note of the night. Plus 7 to Carole for calling out Luann's habit of royal name dropping. It's simply pretentious nonsense and it grows old fast.

Minus 12 because the Heather/Ramona summit was downright painful to watch. I could only imagine how uncomfortable it was to be a part of. Couldn't they just admit they don't like one another and move on? Of course what fun would that be?

The elephant in the room was that every other housewife had been invited on Heather's trip to London except Ramona. In the end, it's Heather's trip and she can invite whomever she wants but the awkwardness grows the longer she goes without mentioning it. If she simply told Ramona she didn't have enough rooms for more guests…well, yes that would still sound lame but at least it's something.

Plus 10 to Sonja for standing up to Ramona for a change. I understood that Ramona wanted Sonja to make a stand and choose her side but wasn't that just a little bit junior high of her. Sonja's allowed to have her own friends. 

Minus 15 to Ramona for making a scene at Sonja's party. She certainly did her best to turn it into the Ramona show. Then she called her friend an airhead and stormed out in a huff. 

So do you think Luann and Heather are recruiting for the Ramona Haters Club? Whose side are you on and who do you think will end up going to London?

Episode total = -25                Season total = -55  

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NBA draft stocked with Wildcats, Tar Heels

Anthony Davis talks to reporters while visiting the New Orleans Hornets, who have the first pick of the June 28th draft, at their practice facility in Westwego, La., Tuesday, June 19, 2012. The Hornets appear increasingly serious about pairing another front-court prospect with the consensus top overall draft choice. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Anthony Davis talks to reporters while visiting the New Orleans Hornets, who have the first pick of the June 28th draft, at their practice facility in Westwego, La., Tuesday, June 19, 2012. The Hornets appear increasingly serious about pairing another front-court prospect with the consensus top overall draft choice. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

FILE - In this March 31, 2012 file photo, Kentucky forward Anthony Davis (23) reacts during the second half of an NCAA Final Four semifinal college basketball tournament game against Louisville, in New Orleans. Davis is a possible pick in the NBA Draft on Jan. 28. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip, File)

Harrison Barnes looks on during a pre-draft workout for the Charlotte Bobcats NBA basketball team in Charlotte, N.C., Thursday, June 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)

FILE - In this Feb. 7, 2012 file photo, Florida's Bradley Beal (23) shoots under pressure from Kentucky's Michael Kidd-Gilchrist (14) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game in Lexington, Ky. Beal is a possible pick in the NBA Draft on Jan. 28. (AP Photo/James Crisp, File)

FILE - This March 25, 2012 file photo shows North Carolina forward John Henson going up for a basket during the second half of the NCAA men's college basketball tournament Midwest Regional final against Kansas, in St. Louis. Henson is a possible pick in the NBA Draft on June 28. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson, File)

Kentucky and North Carolina appear headed for an NBA-first during Thursday night's draft.

The two marquee college basketball programs each will likely have four players selected in the first round, starting with UK's Anthony Davis ? the all-but-certain No. 1 overall pick.

If that happens, it would be the first time two schools accounted for eight first-rounders ? possibly in the first 20 picks ? in the same draft since the NBA went to its current two-round format in 1989. And the number could grow to as high as 10.

Kentucky "brought in a lot of guys, but what was great about the talent was the way they were able to play with each other," said Ryan Blake, senior director of NBA scouting operations. "I think that's what's so valuable ? not just the physical skill side, but the ability to play the roles in the team format.

"North Carolina also brought in enormous talent and they were able to work on their games for a number of years. It's just unusual. I don't know if it'll be done again."

On the Kentucky side, forward Michael Kidd-Gilchrist could go right behind Davis at No. 2 and doesn't seem likely to slip out of the top seven. Blake expects forward Terrence Jones to go anywhere from No. 6 to No. 15, while guard Marquis Teague is likely a mid-to-late first-round pick.

As for North Carolina, Blake expects Harrison Barnes to go somewhere between No. 3 and No. 10, long-armed forward John Henson between No. 5 and No. 15, and 7-footer Tyler Zeller between No. 6 and No. 20. Blake said point Kendall Marshall, regarded as one of the top point guards in the draft, is a likely mid-to-late first-rounder.

Kentucky's Doron Lamb and Darius Miller also have a chance to be first-round selections.

Since the NBA went to a two-round draft in 1989, only four schools ? Duke in 1999, North Carolina in 2005, Connecticut in 2006 and Kentucky in 2010 ? have had at least four first-round picks in the same draft, with the Wildcats setting a record with five two years ago, according to STATS LLC.

The closest two schools came to accounting for eight first-round picks was when Florida and Ohio State each had three in 2007. The schools had five of the first nine selections ? including top overall pick Greg Oden, Al Horford and Joakim Noah ? and the sixth coming in at No. 21.

This year's haul could even create some lighthearted competition in the green room of players waiting to hear their name called.

"I'm hoping we get four in the lottery before they get four in the lottery," Barnes said during a recent workout for the Charlotte Bobcats. "It would be great, obviously. I mean, it's fun to go to the draft, but it's even more fun when you have your teammates with you. Potentially having four people in the green room from the same team, it would be a lot of fun, that we all reach our goals together."

Kentucky's Davis, Kidd-Gilchrist and Teague are one-and-dones, while Jones and Lamb entered the draft as sophomores. Miller was a senior.

Kentucky coach John Calipari wasn't ruling out the chance that all six could go in the first round.

"My hope is all six, but I don't know," Calipari said earlier this month. "I would be surprised if four are not. I would say four are locks and the other two have to go work out."

North Carolina's Barnes and Marshall entered the draft as sophomores, Henson as a junior and Zeller a senior.

For Tar Heels coach Roy Williams, it will mark the third time in eight years that his program will produce four picks in the same draft. His 2005 squad had four of the top 14 picks after winning a national championship, while the 2009 squad that won the NCAA title had three first-rounders and one second-rounder.

"I'm loving it for them," Williams said of this year's quartet. "I'll be very excited for all of them. It's a pretty neat deal to sit there and see four kids that you really think a lot of reach one of their biggest dreams if not their biggest dream. ... I'm going to be looking at it like a parent, looking at it like a coach, and even like a fan at the same time. It'll be exciting for me."

When the teams met in Rupp Arena in December, the game drew 27 scouts or general managers representing 20 NBA teams. Kentucky won that game 73-72 when Davis blocked Henson's jumper for the win.

All eight projected first-round picks were on the court for those frantic final seconds. Most of them will reunite again backstage in Newark, N.J., on Thursday.

"It is crazy," Blake said. "That's a load of talent."

Associated Press

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Apartments slated for vacant Pioneer-Endicott | Finance & Commerce

Posted: 4:15 pm Mon, June 25, 2012
By Burl?Gilyard
Tags: Clint Blaiser, Halverson & Blaiser Group, Marie Franchett, Mike Zipko, Patty Lilledahl, Penfield, Pioneer-Endicott, Rich Pakonen, West Side Flats

The Endicott Building in downtown St. Paul dates to 1890 and was designed by Cass Gilbert. (File photo: Bill Klotz)

234 units; 31,900 sq. ft. comm. space envisioned

Developer Rich Pakonen is getting busy again in downtown St. Paul. Pakonen, who converted several vintage buildings during the condo boom, now has a plan for 234 market-rate apartments at the long-vacant Pioneer-Endicott buildings in downtown St. Paul.

?This has been a very complicated project ? we?re just taking it a step at a time,? said Mike Zipko, a spokesman for Pakonen. On Monday, Zipko said that Pakonen was not available for comment.

The proposed conversion project means that St. Paul?s newest apartments could be in a pair of its oldest buildings. Both date to the late 19th century and have been standing empty since 2007.

The project is up for a vote on Wednesday before St. Paul?s Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA). The HRA commissioners are members of the St. Paul City Council. City documents outline an overall project budget of $46.65 million. The developer is seeking $2.5 million in tax increment financing for the project. The HRA is set to vote on establishing a TIF district and plan for the project.

While downtown St. Paul is not seeing the same level of apartment development activity as downtown Minneapolis, the Pioneer-Endicott project is one of three larger projects that could start construction this year. Others include the 254-unit Penfield and the 178-unit West Side Flats. Finance & Commerce is currently tracking more than 14,000 apartments under construction or proposed across the Twin Cities.

The Pioneer Building in downtown St. Paul was originally the home of the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper. The building dates to 1889. (File photo: Bill Klotz)

Marie Franchett, a project manager with the city?s Planning and Economic Development (PED) department said that the financing for the Penfield project closed on Friday. The city is the developer for the project, which will include a Lunds grocery store. She said that city began working on the Penfield site on Monday; a formal groundbreaking is expected in July. Minneapolis-based Sherman Associates is expected to start construction on the West Side Flats project this summer, Franchett said.

Pakonen is the chief manager for Pioneer Endicott LLC, which bought the buildings last year. Property records and city documents show that the group paid $1.1 million for the properties at end of March 2011. The previous owner paid $10.2 million in April 2007, but left the buildings sitting empty.

The investment group includes frequent Pakonen partner Clint Blaiser of the Bloomington-based Halverson & Blaiser Group. ?They are business partners on this project,? Zipko said.

Project financing is not complete yet, but Zipko said: ?It?s very close to being done.?

City documents outline plans for assembling a $25.5 million permanent mortgage. State and federal historic tax credits are expected to provide a combined $15.9 in equity towards the project. The balance would come from a combination of developer equity, TIF and cleanup grants.

Patty Lilledahl, director of business development and finance for St. Paul?s Planning and Economic Development (PED) department, said that the TIF is meant to pay for streetscape and other public improvements.

Zipko said that he could not comment on rental rates for the apartments in the building, but said, ?They?ll be market-rate and they?ll be competitive.?

The most recent market report from Minneapolis-based Marquette Advisors reported an apartment vacancy rate of 5.1 percent for downtown St. Paul at the end of March, compared to an overall market vacancy rate of 2.8 percent across the Twin Cities. Marquette Advisors reported the average apartment rental rate in downtown St. Paul at $1,183 per month.

Zipko noted that the Pioneer-Endicott buildings are between two stops on the future Central Corridor light rail transit (LRT) line which is scheduled to open in 2014 and one block from the defined boundary of the popular Lowertown district.

Plans also call for 31,900 square feet of commercial space in the Pioneer-Endicott project. It?s not clear yet what could occupy the commercial space.

?Those decisions haven?t made yet,? Zipko said. He noted that the building will provide space to the Minnesota Museum of American Art, which has been without a home in downtown St. Paul since 2009.

The Pioneer Building, at 336 N. Robert St., dates to 1889. It was originally built for the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper. The L-shaped Endicott Building, at 350 N. Robert St. and 141 E. Fourth St., wraps around the Pioneer Building. The Endicott, which dates to 1890, was designed by the noted architect Cass Gilbert, best known locally for designing the state Capitol.

During the days of condo fever, Pakonen was a prolific player in downtown St. Paul. He converted vintage commercial buildings such as the Rossmor, Produce Exchange and the former Lowry Medical Arts Building into condos.

Today condos are out and rentals are in.

?The market has shifted,? Zipko said.

St. Paul real estate veteran Dick Zehring thinks that the project will be a boost for downtown St. Paul.

?I think Pakonen?s project is just great. There?s going to be a substantial portion of empty-nesters among others who are going to want to rent, rather than buy,? Zehring said. ?He?s going for a little bit of a niche market. I think it?s going to be more upscale, which I think is great.?

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Long Island Mudcats Black ? USSSA 11u Youth Baseball Champions

It all started out very bleak.? The thunderstorms on Friday night and early Saturday morning put the USSSA 11u Youth Baseball Championship at risk.? If not for the work of the Town of Smithtown Parks Department (along with a couple of the coaches from the Oceanside Bulldogs), the fields would not be playable.? Since the men worked from 7am Saturday until the delayed game time of 12pm, the Championship could be played.? The Global Recreation Network thanks the Town of Smithtown Parks Department for their work and for allowing us to play our tournament.?

The USSSA 11u Championship, played at Flynn Field in Smithtown, featured six teams; Diamond Jack Super and Diamond Jack Gold of New Jersey, Long Island Mudcats Black and Long Island Mudcats Grey, Oceanside Bulldogs and the Long Island Gators.

The two Diamond Jacks are part of Diamond Nation at the Jack Cust Academy out of New Jersey.? The Long Island Mudcats are part of a seven-team organization with teams from 8-years old to 13-years old.? The Oceanside Bulldogs are an 11u team that has won fourteen tournaments in the past three years and have a 30-6 record so far in 2012.? Out of Levittown, New York, the Long Island Gators is another single team organization that actively prepares their players for future baseball activities.

The Championship was set up over a two-day schedule.? On Saturday, Long Island Mudcats Grey, Diamond Jacks Gold and Oceanside Bulldogs played each other head to head On Flynn Red.? After the three-game head to head series, the Oceanside Bulldogs were to top ranked team in their bracket with a 2-0 record, followed by the Long Island Mudcats Grey and Diamond Jacks Gold.? On Flynn Blue, the Long Island Mudcats Black went undefeated on Saturday to grab the top seed in their bracket, followed by Diamond Jacks Super and the Long Island Gators.

The following games were scheduled for Sunday after the seeds were set: Diamond Jacks Gold vs. Diamond Jacks Super with the winner playing the Oceanside Bulldogs and Long Island Mudcats Grey vs. Long Island Gators with the winner playing Long Island Mudcats Black.

Diamond Jacks Super was superior over their friends in Gold and the Long Island Mudcats Grey defeated the Long Island Gators.? In the semi-finals, Diamond Jacks Super defeated the Oceanside Bulldogs and Long Island Mudcats Black avenged a defeat a week earlier by beating the Long Island Mudcats Grey.? This set up the finals of Long Island Mudcats Black against Diamond Jacks Super.

In a highly contested game, both on and off the field, the Long Island Mudcats Black defeated Diamond Jacks Super 6 to 4 to give the USSSA 11u Youth Baseball Championship to the Mudcats Black.? Looking at the Diamond Jacks website, part of their Mission Statement includes that their mission is to provide education?under the supervision?and direction of our outstanding baseball staff.? In a poor showing of respect for the Global Recreation Network Staff and of the rest of the teams in the tournament, the Diamond Jacks Super coach refused to accept the 2nd Place trophy that his team had earned and did not allow his players to accept participation trophies that were awarded to all participating players.? We at the Global Recreation Network are still wondering what lesson the Diamond Jacks Super coach was teaching his players.

The Long Island Mudcats Black celebrated as a team, with their families and friends and were awarded the 1st Place trophy in a ceremony at home plate on Flynn Red.? Each player had a part in the undefeated tournament.? Congratulations go out to the entire roster of the Long Mudcats Super, their coach Mike McKenna and its entire staff on their victory in the USSSA 11u Youth Baseball Championship.

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PFT: Marshall working toward new image

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A year after nearly making it to the playoffs following a total of six wins in three seasons, the planets aligned for another disastrous season in St. Louis.? And a disaster indeed unfolded, in the form of a 2-14 record.

The finish resulted in owner Stan Kroenke cleaning most of the house, firing G.M. Billy Devaney and coach Steve Spagnuolo.? On Saturday, Devaney joined Doug Farrar and Rob Rang of KJR radio (via, and Devaney offered up a wide variety of excuses for the team?s re-collapse in 2011.

The laundry list of lamentations for losing include:? (1) the team went up for sale as soon as Devaney and Spagnuolo were hired; (2) the team had ?an old roster,? a ?really old roster?; (3) there were ?some guaranteed contracts on there that we have to live with?; (4) the lineup was essentially ?Steven Jackson and the Pips,? and Devaney said he ?probably would have been happier with some of the Pips? (oh . . . snap); (5) the team had to make tough and unpopular decisions regarding receiver Torry Holt and Orlando Pace; (6) there wasn?t much money being put into a team that was for sale; (7) after a successful season, offensive coordinator Pat Shurmur left to coach the Browns; (8) a ton of injuries in 2011; (9) no offseason in 2011; and (10) a ?ridiculous? schedule in 2011.

?It was just one thing after another,? Devaney said.? ?I could tell in training camp ? I mean early on, I don?t even know if we started playing a preseason game ? things just, especially on offense, things just looked really . . . nobody looked comfortable.?

Then came the regular season, with an opening slate of games against the Eagles, Giants, Ravens, Redskins, Packers, Cowboys, and Saints.? But for a postseason-altering upset win over the Saints (if New Orleans had won, the Saints would have hosted the 49ers in the divisional round), the Rams would have started the year 0-8.

?I mean, we were hoping, and this is ? we?re trying to be optimistic ? we were hoping at the halfway point, we may have had two wins,? Devaney said.? ?We thought if we could scratch out two wins, the back end of the schedule, we could win a couple of more games.? Well, I don?t know if we won any.? We may have won one, but by that time, the roster was decimated.? We were working corners out on Tuesday and they were lining up and starting for us on Sunday. . . .? Five or six of those guys, I couldn?t even tell you who they were.?

The points are all valid, but the lesson for other General Managers and coaches is that, when a team is facing that kind of adversity, it?s important to manage expectations, both inside and outside the building.

It didn?t work internally, or Devaney and Spagnuolo would have gotten another chance to preside over another stunning turnaround.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

A long-awaited night of redemption for Sandusky's victims

BELLEFONTE, Pa. ? Juror No. 4, the foreman, gray-haired and middle-aged, stood high in the back row of the jurors' box, looked down at some sheets of paper, then at Jerry Sandusky and began to deliver a verdict a long, sad time coming.

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

Of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse. Of indecent assault. Of endangering the welfare of children.

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

Of terrorizing the poorest and most vulnerable of this area's youth. Of abusing his fame as a former Penn State defensive coordinator. Of conducting a charade of charitable work to supposedly help children.

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

Forty-five times it rang out. Juror No. 4 hammered each one home with the independent force each one deserved.

There were just three charges Sandusky escaped on. After each of those not-guilty counts, it seemed that the foreman raised his voice as he returned to this parade of guilty verdicts.

[Related: Dan Wetzel: Jerry Sandusky found guilty of child sex abuse]

He seemed to make sure each count was granted its own moment to linger, to emphasize the torture and pain and shattered innocence it produced. Oral sex. Anal sex. Fondling. One despicable act worse than the next.

Jerry Sandusky is shown after being booked early Saturday. (AP/Centre County Correctional Facility)

This here was a night of redemption, a predator laid bare with nowhere to hide, with no more lies to tell, with no one left to save him.

"Mr. Sandusky," Judge John Cleland said when this dramatic, nearly eight-minute condemnation was finally, fully read, "you have been found guilty by a jury of your peers."

Sandusky, clad in slacks and a brown sport coat, stood mostly motionless throughout, looking up at Juror 4 as the truth was slammed down onto him, as the light was finally and irrevocably cast on his behavior. His left hand was placed casually in his pocket while behind him his wife, Dottie, three adopted sons and an adopted daughter either shook their heads at the jury or openly wept.

Moments later, Sandusky gave a quick wave to his family as he was led out by sheriff's deputies. Judge Cleland will formally sentence him in about 90 days.

The 68-year-old faces up to 442 years behind bars, or what might as well be forever and ever and ever some more. His defense attorney, Joe Amendola, hinted at an appeal, but it likely would be fruitless.

On the other side of the courtroom, Victim No. 6, who as an 11 year-old in 1998 was abused by Sandusky in a Penn State locker room shower, an act that was investigated but never prosecuted, laid his head on the top of the bench in front of him and sobbed uncontrollably. He was soon hugging family members who had joined him.

"I'm just overwhelmed," he said, now a grown man, strong and no longer timid in the face of an old pathetic coach.

[Yahoo! Sports Radio: Dan Wetzel on the Jerry Sandusky verdict]

Soon reporters were racing out of the courthouse, set to break the news of the guilty verdict to a huge throng that had gathered on the steps. Dottie Sandusky was kneeling by then in front of her family, trying to provide comfort when the word of the verdict hit the masses.

The roaring cheers and screams of joy swept right through the courthouse door, up the stairs and into the second-floor courtroom. They startled Dottie, whose head snapped up at the noise and then sunk down as she realized the people of Centre County were celebrating her husband's demise.

Sandusky will be held at the local jail until he can be evaluated by the state prison system and assigned accordingly. He is expected to wind up in protective custody, away from the general population, for his own protection. That likely means 23 hours a day in a 6-by-8-foot cell. In other words, a concrete box of hell.

"He was prepared to go to jail tonight," Amendola said. "Mentally prepared. He's not scared. I think given the circumstances of the case and how the trial was going, he knew this was coming.

"This is not a surprise. This is what everyone expected."

Amendola said Sandusky's one regret was not being able to "tell his story" from the witness stand. His 33-year-old adoptive son, Matt, determined during the trial that Jerry abused him as a child. He made himself available as a prosecution witness. Matt couldn't be called, however, unless the state had introduced the incidents on a cross-examination of Jerry Sandusky. It was too much for the defense to risk.

"Even though Jerry, Dottie and the other kids deny Matt's allegation, it would've been explosive," Amendola said. "There was no way Jerry could testify without Matt being called."

[Related: Crowd cheers after verdict finds Jerry Sandusky guilty on 45 counts]

They walked Sandusky out the back door of the courthouse and to a waiting sheriff's vehicle, just 50 yards downhill from where they used to hang criminals in the courtyard of the old county jail.

Back then they'd invite as many people as they could fit to ring the gallows and bear witness. Those that couldn't gain admission would climb the roofs of local houses to watch the execution from high above in this old tightly packed, Victorian downtown.

That was the 1800s, but things haven't changed so much; just five miles from here, at the Rockview prison, is the state's execution chamber. And in Bellefonte tradition, a crowd gathered to jeer and scream Friday night behind the courthouse, to let their venom ring around Sandusky's head for eternity.

Happy Valley, indeed.

Jerry Sandusky is taken into custody after a jury found him guilty of child molestation. (Getty)

The verdict ended the fallacy that this was an area too devoted to Penn State football to render a fair and proper judgment. The anger at Sandusky was deeper than the outside world could fathom. There may have been a conspiracy to protect Sandusky in the highest levels of Penn State. That will be played out in legal proceedings against university officials, an independent investigation set for release next month and the inevitable slew of civil cases to come that will seek to tap into the school's $1.8 billion endowment.

None of that represents the rank and file here, not the good people who never hesitated to see Sandusky as a monster and were pained when he seemingly dragged the entire region's reputation down with him.

For at least 15 years Sandusky quietly stalked this idyllic, Rockwellian community, preying on its most susceptible boys. Using his Second Mile charity to meet at-risk kids, he often fostered relationships with the poor, the fatherless, the troubled or even simply the bored.

In one haunting bit of testimony, Victim No. 4 recounted that he compartmentalized the sexual abuse from Sandusky and endured teasing from classmates who suspected something inappropriate because he had so few positives in his life. The chance to leave his little town and troubled home for afternoons hanging around the Penn State football program were enough, he testified.

"I thought, 'I didn't want to lose this. This is something good happening to me,'?" he said.

This, time and again, is whom Sandusky chose to target, to trick, to molest, to injure forever. Under the camouflage of mentoring, he stripped them of their innocence and left them in a confused heap in an empty locker room or alone in a dark basement, used and discarded on some creepy waterbed.

During this trial a parade of victims overcame their own fear and embarrassment to detail, often with chilling testimony through sobs and gasped breath, what Sandusky did to them. They uncovered a hidden side to this bucolic region, where not everyone is wealthy and educated and as pure as Penn State's famous white uniforms.

They also cried about regret. Victim No. 4, now 28, said he wished he'd summoned the courage to come forward sooner and save the younger victims. Victim No. 9's mother wept at the memories of sending her son, against his wishes, to stay with Sandusky because she believed he needed a positive male role model.

Former Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary noted that he didn't punch out Sandusky when he discovered him in a shower abusing a boy in 2001 and instead let his university bosses handle the case. Which they didn't. A former Penn State police detective conveyed his frustration at not being able to convince the then-district attorney to charge Sandusky in 1998.

On and on it went. Years and years and years. Incident after incident after incident.

Until finally, deep into a warm Friday night, Juror 4 stood up in that box, representing 11 other citizens that had pored over each and every allegation during 21 hours of deliberation, and read from those papers.

Finally, it was over for Sandusky. Finally, the deception and protection were gone. Finally, this once hulking man, backed by the prestige of Nittany Lion football, propped up by the illusion of charitable work, had nowhere to run, no tale to tell, no one capable of keeping him from facing the awful truth of his life.

Guilty. Guilty. Damn, Damn Guilty.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cricket: Customers 'Waiting at the Door' For Prepaid iPhone

Apple iPhone 4S (Verizon Wireless)

Just as planned, Cricket Communications has become the first prepaid carrier in the U.S. to offer the Apple iPhone.

Cricket, a subsidiary of Leap Wireless, began selling the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S to prepaid customers in its stores and through select dealers Friday morning with its $55 per month, unlimited talk, text, and data plan. Cricket customers were eager to get their hands on the prepaid iPhone, the company said.

"So far, customer activity has been brisk with customers waiting at the door as the stores opened," a Cricket spokesman told PCMag in an email.

Cricket late last month announced it would be offering the iPhone to customers without a contract. On Cricket's plan, the 16GB iPhone 4S is available for $499.99 and the 8GB iPhone 4 is available for $399.99. Both come in black or white.

"Launching iPhone is a major milestone for us and we are proud to offer iPhone customers attractive nationwide coverage, a robust 3G data network and a value-packed, no-contract plan," Doug Hutcheson, president and CEO of Leap, said in a statement last month.

Cricket is first prepaid carrier to nab the iPhone but it isn't the only one. Sprint's Virgin Mobile USA division will also begin offering the iPhone on a pay-as-you-go basis, starting on June 29.

T-Mobile is currently the only one of the four major U.S. carriers that does not yet have the iPhone, due to network incompatibilities. Sprint jumped on board with the release of the iPhone 4S, joining Verizon and AT&T as Apple partners.

In April, a number of regional carriers landed the coveted Apple smartphone, including nTelos, Cellcom, and GCI.

For more, see PCMag's full review of the iPhone 4S.

For more from Angela, follow her on Twitter @amoscaritolo.

For the top stories in tech, follow us on Twitter at @PCMag.

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Clinically Used Breast Cancer Markers Such as Estrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor, and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Are Unstable Throughout Tumor Progression.


Linda Sofie Lindstr?m, Eva Karlsson, Ulla M. Wilking, Johan Hartman, Elisabet Kerstin Lidbrink, Thomas Hatschek, Lambert Skoog, and Jonas Bergh, Cancer Center Karolinska, Radiumhemmet, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital; Ulla Johansson, Oncologic Center, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; Eva Karlsson, Karlstad Hospital, Karlstad, Sweden; Jonas Bergh, The Christie Hospital, Manchester University, and Paterson Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom.


PURPOSETo investigate whether hormonal receptors and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) change throughout tumor progression, because this may alter patient management.Patients And methodsThe study cohort included female patients with breast cancer in the Stockholm health care region who relapsed from January 1, 1997, to December 31, 2007. Either biochemical or immunohistochemical (IHC)/immunocytochemical (ICC) methods were used to determine estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 status, which was then confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization for IHC/ICC 2+ and 3+ status.ResultsER (459 patients), PR (430 patients), and HER2 (104 patients) from both primary tumor and relapse were assessed, revealing a change in 32.4% (McNemar's test P < .001), 40.7% (P < .001), and 14.5% (P = .44) of patients, respectively. Assessment of ER (119 patients), PR (116 patients), and HER2 (32 patients) with multiple (from two to six) consecutive relapses showed an alteration in 33.6%, 32.0%, and 15.7% of patients, respectively. A statistically significant differential overall survival related to intraindividual ER and PR status in primary tumor and relapse (log-rank P < .001) was noted. In addition, women with ER-positive primary tumors that changed to ER-negative tumors had a significant 48% increased risk of death (hazard ratio, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.08 to 2.05) compared with women with stable ER-positive tumors. CONCLUSIONPatients with breast cancer experience altered hormone receptor and HER2 status throughout tumor progression, possibly influenced by adjuvant therapies, which significantly influences survival. Hence, marker investigations at relapse may potentially improve patient management and survival.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Avian flu viruses which are transmissible between humans could evolve in nature

ScienceDaily (June 21, 2012) ? It might be possible for human-to-human airborne transmissible avian H5N1 influenza viruses to evolve in nature, new research has found.

The findings, from research led by Professor Derek Smith and Dr Colin Russell at the University of Cambridge, were published June 22 in the journal Science.

Currently, avian H5N1 influenza, also known as bird flu, can be transmitted from birds to humans, but not (or only very rarely) from human to human. However, two recent papers by Herfst, Fouchier and colleagues in Science and Imai, Kawaoka and colleagues in Nature reveal that potentially with as few as five mutations (amino acid substitutions), or four mutations plus reassortment, avian H5N1 can become airborne transmissible between mammals, and thus potentially among humans. However, until now, it was not known whether these mutations might evolve in nature.

The Cambridge researchers first analysed all of the surveillance data available on avian H5N1 influenza viruses from the last 15 years, focusing on birds and humans. They discovered that two of the five mutations seen in the experimental viruses (from the Fouchier and Kawaoka labs) had occurred in numerous existing avian flu strains. Additionally, they found that a number of the viruses had both of the mutations.

Colin Russell, Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, said: "Viruses that have two of these mutations are already common in birds, meaning that there are viruses that might have to acquire only three additional mutations in a human to become airborne transmissible. The next key question is 'is three a lot, or a little?' "

The scientists explored this key question using a mathematical model of how viruses replicate and evolve within a mammalian host and assessed the influence of various factors on whether the remaining three mutations could evolve in a single host or in a short chain of transmission between hosts

The factors that increased the likelihood of mutations evolving are:

1. Random mutation. The replication mechanisms of influenza viruses don't make perfect copies. On average, every time an influenza virus replicates itself it makes approximately one mutation somewhere in the genome of each new virus. In each infected human there will be billions of viruses, and thus with many viruses replicating, multiple mutations can accumulate within a single host.

2. Positive selection. If some of the remaining mutations help the avian virus to adapt to mammals, then those mutations will make the viruses more fit and thus will be positively selected and preferentially accumulate.

3. Long infection. The longer someone is infected and producing new viruses, the more time there is for mutations to accumulate.

4. Functionally equivalent substitutions. The sets of substitutions identified by Fouchier and Kawaoka are unlikely to be the only combinations of substitutions capable of producing an aerosol transmissible virus. The probability of emergence increases with the number of combinations.

5. Diversity in the within-bird virus population. Given all of the mutations there are likely to be within a host due to random mutation, it is possible that the viruses from a bird that infect a human might have a mutation that would not be detected by routine surveillance. For example, if 100 virus particles from a bird infect a human and one of those particles had a key mutation, it would increase the probability of the mutation reaching high levels within a host even though routine sequencing would not detect it.

6. Transmission between mammals. If mammals are capable of transmitting viruses that have some but not all of the necessary substitutions it could increase the probability of an airborne transmissible virus evolving.

The factors that decreased the likelihood of mutations evolving are:

1. An effective immune response. An effective immune response would shorten the length of an infection and thus decrease the time available to accumulate mutations.

2. Deleterious substitutions. If any of the substitutions necessary for airborne transmission were harmful to the virus it would, on average, slow the accumulation of mutations.

3. Order of acquiring mutations. It is not currently known if the mutations for airborne transmissibility need to be acquired in a specific order. If they do, it would, on average, slow the accumulation of mutations.

"With the information we have, it is impossible to say what the exact risk is of the virus becoming airborne transmissible among humans. However, the results suggest that the remaining three mutations could evolve in a single human host, making a virus evolving in nature a potentially serious threat," said Derek Smith, Professor of Infectious Disease Informatics at the University of Cambridge. "We now know that it is in the realm of possibility that these viruses can evolve in nature, and what needs to be done to assess the risk more accurately of these mutations evolving in nature."

The scientists recommend the following activities be considered high priority for estimating and ameliorating the risk of emergence of aerosol transmissible H5N1 viruses.

First, additional surveillance in regions where viruses with airborne transmission enabling substitutions have been observed and in regions connected to those regions by bird migration and trade. Also, increased surveillance for mutations that might have the same function as those found by the Fouchier and Kawaoka labs.

Second, related to surveillance, some targeted sequencing of H5N1 viruses should be done by "deep sequencing" where the lab sequences many viruses from an individual host to look for viruses that might have accumulated the critical mutations, even if those viruses are just a small proportion of the viruses within an animal.

Third, further investigations are needed to determine which substitutions and combinations of substitutions that are not the same as, but have the same function as, the substitutions identified by the Fouchier and Kawaoka labs are capable of making viruses airborne transmissible between mammals.

Fourth, further studies are needed to elucidate the changes in within-host fitness and between-host transmissibility associated with each airborne transmission enabling substitution and combination of substitutions.

Professor Smith added: "The situation is similar to assessing the risk of an earthquake or tsunami. We don't know exactly when and where, but by increasing monitoring and research -- some of which is already underway -- scientists and public health officials will be able to increase the accuracy with which the risk can be assessed and to minimise those risks."

The research was funded by multiple sources including the European Commission through framework 7 grants EMPERIE and ANTIGONE, the Royal Society, the Human Frontiers Science Program, the Wellcome Trust, and the National Institutes of Health.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Cambridge. The original story is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Colin A. Russell, Judith M. Fonville, Andr? E. X. Brown, David F. Burke, David L. Smith, Sarah L. James, Sander Herfst, Sander van Boheemen, Martin Linster, Eefje J. Schrauwen, Leah Katzelnick, Ana Moster?n, Thijs Kuiken, Eileen Maher, Gabriele Neumann, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Ron A. M. Fouchier, and Derek J. Smith. The Potential for Respiratory Droplet?Transmissible A/H5N1 Influenza Virus to Evolve in a Mammalian Host. Science, 22 June 2012 DOI: 10.1126/science.1213362

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