Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Someone Calculated How Many Calories A Mouse Click Burns

Image (1) mousey_header.jpg for post 170008Video gaming for hours is exhausting, so surely it counts as some sort of workout too, right? One publication from Japan just estimated how many calories it takes to click a mouse button once. ?Convert Anything To Calories?, published by PHP Science World Shinsho, has narrowed down a mouse click to 1.4 calories. This is based on an index finger at a volume of 10.8 cubic centimeters, with a weight of 11.7 grams, taking 195 micromoles of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphase) to move the index finger muscles per click. Um, okay. With the average daily calorie consumption of an adult male and female estimated at 2,000 kcal and 1,700 kcal, respectively, it?s time to get clicking if you want to make any dent in that amount. (via Rocketnews24 and Yahoo! Japan)

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/wLASXd0FYQA/

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