Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Military Not Involved In Illegal Oil Bunkering ? Naval Chief

The Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Dele Ezeoba, has said that it was not true that the military was involved in illegal oil bunkering, saying it was ?arrant non-sense? to label the armed forces as collaborators.

He said, contrary to insulations in some quarters that the armed forces had a hand in crude oil theft, its officers and men deserved commendation for the efforts they were making in fighting criminality in the nation?s waterways.

Ezeoba stated this while fielding questions from newsmen at the Nigeria Navy Basic Training School (NNBTS), Onne in Rivers State, at the end of a joint sea military exercise code-named ?Operation FARAUTA?.

The Naval Chief however said that it was not unlikely that one or two persons in the military may decide to go the opposite direction, but that it would be unfair to say that the rest of the individuals were bad eggs.

He said: ?That is arrant nonsense. I want to take it away from whoever has said that the military is involved in oil bunkering that it is not correct. But I must quickly add that in every given environment there are bag eggs.

?If one single individual or two, out of 1, 500 or 5000 for one reason decide to go the opposite direction, it? does not constitute the totally of the rest of the individual or the rest of them as bad eggs.

So, we must understand the enormity of sacrifice that officer and men of the armed forces have had to make.


Source: http://www.leadership.ng/nga/articles/40431/2012/11/19/military_not_involved_illegal_oil_bunkering_naval_chief.html

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