Monday, October 8, 2012

L'alba del Drago: Dawn of the Dragon

L'alba del Drago: Dawn of the Dragon

Alona. A small continent divided into seven countries, each on the brink of war with the others. With leaders killed and powers beyond most human control rising, the world may be thrown into a chaos from which it won't recover. (WORK IN PROGRESS)


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Hey guys, this RP is a work in progress (sorry was getting sleepy) but I'm totally willing to take reservations for characters. I'd like to get one listener and dragon for each country before we go any further than that but once those seven spots are filled then it's free reign and you can affiliate with whatever country you want. Character skeletons and the rest of the dragon info will be up sometime tomorrow(10/7) or the next day(10/8(assuming my job doesn't call me in for an all day shift)) but the skeletons will be the next things to go up. Until then, feel free to show your friends what I've got here so far because the more the merrier! If you have any questions, please PM me and I'll get back to you ASAP. Cheers mates!


"I saw the traveler make his way toward the monolith,
That thin gash amidst the clouds;
An open seam between heaven and earth that eluded the Eye of God.

Or perhaps it had not; perhaps it beckoned from one realm
To the other, wedded And ruled as one;
For look how clean it splits the horizon 'twain, absorbs it,
Makes it Strange,
An indomitable beam,
A Tower of Heaven."

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Member for 0 years

Yeah, yeah this looks good. A good old fantasy Hero-Beast tale. I'm into this. I will take the Erihollow Listener please.

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Member for 0 years

This looks fun. ^^ I would love to reserve a dragon if I could.

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