Monday, April 2, 2012

[ Other - Family & Relationships ] Open Question : Ultra-Confusing ...

I?m 20. This question is going to sound immature because it is. I will try to explain it briefly, since it is complicated.

Last year I was in a bad relationship. I went to college, and a guy there liked me. His name was Jake. Jake eventually moved on from me since I had a boyfriend. By the time I liked him, he chose another girl over me.

The whole year he acted strange. He asked me to take a personality test, would stare at me, and come to me when he needed support. Over all his behavior was strange.

This school year came. His behavior this summer was also strange. He told me he felt sexually trapped with his girlfriend and wanted to explore with other girls. . . and then I let my feelings for him out. He didn?t give me a straight answer, but eventually I found out that he still wasn?t interested. . .

So I let it go. I found a new man. But my feelings are still there. I feel sick over it. I am so vested in this current relationship. This kid Jake has acted jealous when I got with my boyfriend and has acted weird with me since.

Now I found out Jake is single again. My feelings are still there. But now I have a boyfriend, and I am not sure I have the heart to break up with him just because Jake might have changed his mind. I also cannot deny that I believe I have developed feelings and true caring for my current boyfriend.

What should I do? Never pursue Jake because he?s rejected me, and stay with my boyfriend.

Or give it all up in the name of love and try to be with Jake because I know deep down that I have always loved him.

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