Friday, April 6, 2012

Effectiveness Of The Herbal Medicines In Curing Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid, also known as piles, is a quite common health problem which numerous men and women suffer from. The problem is characterized by the inflammation of veins in the lower rectum and in and around the anus. Due to exertion of too much of pressure on the rectal veins due to various reasons, they bulge and swell resulting in hemorrhoids or piles. Hemorrhoids are of the following two types: Internal and External. Internal hemorrhoids occur within the rectum and cannot be felt. External hemorrhoids lie just beneath the skin surrounding the anus and can be felt easily. When an internal hemorrhoid is pushed out through the anal opening, a prolapsed hemorrhoid develops. Having a hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids is nothing worrisome but it definitely warrants doctor's attention. This is because if a hemorrhoid is left untreated for long, the possibility of gangrene or tissue death increases.

Hemorrhoids symptoms:

1. Anal ache
2. Rectal bleeding
3. Rectal itching
4. Burning sensation in and anus
5. Fecal leakage

Hemorrhoids cause:

1. Constipation/diarrhea
2. Obesity
3. Pregnancy
4. Diet deficient in fibers
5. Low fluid intake
6. Prolonged sitting
7. Straining during moving bowels
8. Liver cirrhosis
9. Anal sex
10. Heredity
11. Aging

Herbal medicines are quite effective in curing hemorrhoids. These medicines deflate the enlarged veins, strengthen them and improve venous blood flow. The effectiveness of herbal medicines in curing hemorrhoids can be felt within a week of usage. They alleviate the hemorrhoids symptoms quite efficiently. The following ingredients generally go in to the making of the herbal hemorrhoids medicines:

1. Witch hazel - This is a major ingredient that accounts for the effectiveness of the herbal medicines in curing hemorrhoids. The astringent property of witch hazel shrinks hemorrhoids and reduces anal ache to a large extent.

2. Horse chestnut - The compound aescin in Horse Chestnut improves blood circulation in the rectal veins and lessens swelling. This ingredient too increases the effectiveness of herbal medicines in curing hemorrhoids.

3. Butcher's Broom - Butcher's Broom or Knee Holly contains a compound ruscogen that shrinks and constricts swollen veins. This ingredient makes the hemorrhoid herbal medicine work amazingly.

4. Aloe Vera - The pulp of Aloe Vera may be applied directly on the hemorrhoid to soothe pain and discomfort. Aloe therefore is an active ingredient in most hemorrhoids herbal medicines.

5. Pine bark - The anthocyanins and pro-anthocyanins in pine bark help in bettering the structural integrity and circulation in the inflamed veins.

So the above herbs enhance the effectiveness of herbal medicines in curing hemorrhoids.

Read more about Hemorrhoids Herbal Treatment. Also know Bleeding Piles Herbal Treatment. Read about Weight Gain Supplements for Men.

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