Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blanket Surveillance. Total Secrecy. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

eye-of-sauronImagine that one day you came home to find a shiny little bubble of one-way glass in an upper corner of every single room, and a notice left on your kitchen table: "As required by the Safe Society Act, we have installed remotely controlled cameras throughout your home. (Also your office.) But don't worry! They'll probably only be activated if the government believes that a non-US citizen might have entered this building." Would that give you warm fuzzy feelings of safety and security? I ask because that's a pretty good metaphor for what happened this week. I refer of course to PRISM.


Big Bird Adam Greenberg Fall Leaves Jim Lehrer 666 Park Avenue Kara Alongi Sahara Davenport

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