Monday, July 9, 2012

GR Business Networking with Mark Pasierb

business networking Success By Design Show: Season 1 Episode 9. The latest and best in business, success, relationships, wealth, well-being and giving back. Hosted by Alfonso Cuadra.

This episode features Mark Pasierb, director of GR Business Networking Ontario.

Mark Pasierb is a graduate of two marketing diplomas, Business Marketing and International Business Marketing. He is also an entrepreneur in Ottawa, successfully purchasing and managing multiple rental units and had been the owner/operator of two successful restaurants in Ottawa.

Having graduated in marketing, Mark recognized the struggles businesses and entrepreneurs faced each day within the business environment. He has made it his goal to assist businesses and entrepreneurs in creating value for their clients by organizing networking groups starting in Ottawa and expanding into the Ontario markets.

Every business is afflicted with concerns on how to:
- Increase sales, by having access to more referrals
- Developing business contacts
- Building awareness for the business with target precision in a cost effective manner

GR Business Networking, not only offers a destination for great referrals and contacts, but also, with Mark?s marketing background, each business will have the opportunity to gain exposure and awareness within the business? area of operation. Further, entrepreneurs will gain valuable educational expertise on doing better business.

Mark will host four trade shows, FREE for members and the public, to generate a positive buzz for each business and build exposure.

Networking is an essential part of doing business, now more than ever, and being a part of a strong networking community can greatly increase the potential of each business.

Host: Alfonso Cuadra
Executive Producer: Weggon Allen
Producer: Rob Dupuis
Director: Andrei Zubok
Videographers: Andrei Zubok, Rob Dupuis
Editor: Tara Burr
Motion Graphics: Rob Dupuis

Duration : 0:4:23

Technorati Tags: Alfonso, Attraction, business, Businesses, by, Coaching, Companies, Cuadra, design, Growth, Guide, how-to, in, Journal, law, Money, motivation, networking, no, of, Ottawa, personal, program, start, success, Television, the, training, with


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