Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Romney visit: 'Poland stands as defender of freedom'

In Gdansk, Poland yesterday, the final stop of his three-country overseas tour, Mitt Romney met with former Polish President and Nobel Prize winner Lech Walesa and the country?s Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The presidential candidate was received in the birthplace of Poland?s communist-era democratic trade union Solidarity by crowds of cheering Poles, as well as several dozen protestors.

One group of protesters chanted ?Obama, Obama? as Romney left the meeting with Mr. Tusk, while another group held a banner supporting Romney's Republican rival Ron Paul.

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Poles are disgruntled over the United States' waning attention and disregard for their war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, but Poland is still considered as one of the most pro-American countries in Europe. Local observers say the US presidential candidate was received with praise because of Poland?s desire for reassured about its importance in American foreign policy.

?You often hear that Poland is one of the most pro-American countries in Europe, but people would like to see more tangible proof that the feeling is mutual,? says Teresa Nowak, a local shopkeeper. ?After we fought in Afghanistan and Iraq alongside the US, it would be good to ... have our safety strengthened by [the missile defense system].?

Former US President George W. Bush proposed a plan for establishing an anti-missile defense system in Poland, which Poles welcomed as additional border security. President Barack Obama has since abandoned this plan, displeasing many Poles.

RELATED: How much do you know about Europe? Take our quiz!

The significance of the visit to American voters is twofold, according to Marek Jablonowski, professor and director at the Institute of Journalism of the University of Warsaw. ?This visit could be a factor in safeguarding the Polish American vote in the election, but it also sends a message to other voters in the US. It proves there are still countries where American politicians are cheered.?

Following a meeting with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski today, Romney gave a speech on US-Polish relations and the values of liberty at the University of Warsaw.

?It is critical to stand by those who stood by America,? Romney said at the event. ?In a turbulent world, Poland stands as an example and defender of freedom.?

Mr. Sikorski said Poland's aim is to maintain good relations with the US regardless of who wins the upcoming presidential election, but some Polish politicians openly endorsed the GOP candidate.

Mr. Walesa, the historical leader of the Solidarity trade union and later the country?s first democratically elected president after the fall of communism, praised Romney as a man driven by values.

?Many things indicate that we have a lot in common,? Walesa told journalists after the meeting.


Contrary to expectations, he and Romney did not discuss Poland?s much-awaited membership of the visa waiver program, Walesa said. Currently, Poles must apply for travel documents ahead of trips to the US. This is a point of contention because many of Poland's European neighbors do not have to obtain paperwork in advance, and Poles see the continued requirement for them as a slight.

The Solidarity trade union distanced itself from Romney?s visit in an official statement, saying that it did not favor Walesa?s meeting with the GOP presidential candidate.

?Solidarity was in no way involved in organizing this meeting, nor did it invite Mitt Romney to Poland,? Andrzej Adamczyk, head of the union?s foreign affairs bureau, said in a statement. ?We were informed by our friends from the American trade union center AFL-CIO ... about Mitt Romney?s attacks on trade unions and employees? rights.?

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland?s liberal newspaper of record, wrote that the trip to Poland is ?the last hope of the Republican candidate? after his offhand remarks in London and Jerusalem sparked widespread controversy.


Pawel Gras, the spokesman for the Polish government, said the prime minister and Romney discussed a wide range of issues, including the Republican candidate?s views on Europe?s relations with Russia and Ukraine.

Prior to the visit, Romney said that he believed Russia was America?s ?number one geopolitical foe,? a remark some commentators regarded as a demonstration of his Cold War mindset. However, Polish media have expressed doubt that US policy toward Russia will change dramatically if Romney wins.

RELATED: How much do you know about Europe? Take our quiz!

?America and Russia have a great deal of convergent interests,? wrote Rzeczpospolita, a conservative daily. ?It is most likely we will not witness any sudden changes [in US foreign policy].?

Polish media widely discussed Romney?s support for Bush-era plans of establishing a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Poles who support the system see increased US military presence on Polish soil as an additional safeguard of the country?s borders.

Local observers say Romney made a good impression on Polish decision makers who are interested in bolstering ties between the US and Poland.

?So far, the visit seems to be rather a success for both Poland and Mitt Romney. He cannot make any binding promises for obvious reasons, but seems to be genuinely interested in building relationships with local politicians,? says Jablonowski.

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-visit-poland-stands-defender-freedom-165905860.html

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A Long Day?s Journey Into Fight ? Part 1

The day begins early.? The weigh-ins for Anthony Pipola's fight are scheduled for 9:30 a.m. sharp, and to get to there ? Philadelphia ? from here ? New York City ? in time means at least two hours of navigating rush hour traffic and toll roads.? So we meet at Anthony's coach's place in Queens at 7:00 a.m. and set out, Anthony in the driver's seat and Steve Koepfer, Tyga Maclin and myself along for the ride.? It's Friday.? Ten or so hours after the weigh-ins are the fights ? Matrix Fights, actually, a regional MMA organization maybe one rung below the events you'd see on FOX, Showtime or pay-per-view.? And while the main event features a Bellator veteran and the co-main has a female Strikeforce veteran, somewhere tucked away on the undercard is Anthony's bout.? Anthony is an amateur fighter.? This will be only his second fight.

Nearly every weekend, regardless of whether there's a UFC or Strikeforce or Bellator on television, there's a regional show happening somewhere in the United States.? For Philadelphia there's Matrix Fights, but take a drive down the Atlantic City Expressway and you could catch a Ring of Combat or Cage Fury Fighting Championship, and if you were in California or Florida, it could be a King of the Cage or Art of Fighting.? The common denominator for them all is that each has local fighters, either amateur or pro, on their way up or on their way down, aspiring or expiring.?

Koepfer, a.k.a. "Sambo Steve", runs the school that Anthony trains out of, where Anthony has trained for about a year and a half.? There are others at the school, everyone from weekend warriors to pro fighters, and the weekly team gathering and the sparring it entails has been known to attract a cross-section of former Bellator champs, accomplished amateurs and rising stars.? Tyga, who wrestled at Hunter College, is the school's wrestling coach.? Many amateur fighters have family and friends who come out to see them compete, but the distance between Anthony's neighborhood in Queens and the City of Brotherly Love has made that impossible, so Sambo Steve and Tyga are all he's got.? I'm just here to observe, to see things from the perspective of a fighter.

Snapshot of Anthony: he's not tall, but his broadness offsets his height, giving him the presence of someone strong and physical.? He's a construction worker of sorts, his fulltime job involving working with ConEd to dig up cracked gas mains and repair them, and when he talks of his family ? he's got a wife and three kids ? he beams.? His facial hair leans more towards "why bother shaving with a fight coming up?" than fashion statement.? He didn't sleep much the night before, the accumulating anxiousness making slumber impossible, and that edge of exhaustion and nerves and weight cutting (Anthony is supposed to be 175 pounds; he was 172 when he last checked) is something that lurks close to the surface. ?Every once in while he unwraps a Jolly Rancher candy and pops it into his mouth.

"How you feeling?" I ask him after introducing myself from the backseat.

"Good," he says from behind the wheel of his SUV.

"Why'd you take a fight in Philly?" I ask.

"Because they offered it," he says.

For his first fight, which took place in May, Anthony and Sambo Steve drove seven hours to a suburb of Buffalo for a show called TNT Fights.? Under current law, professional MMA competition is illegal in New York State, but the athletic commission has eased up on amateur mixed martial arts, and TNT Fights was New York's first sanctioned amateur MMA event in over a decade.? Unfortunately, other than competing in local underground shows, if Anthony wants to fight it's easier for him to travel to New Jersey and Pennsylvania ? neither of which require as much driving.?

"Wouldn't you rather be fighting in New York?" I ask.

"[Expletive] yeah," he says.? "I'd rather fight in New York.? I'd rather fight on Queens Boulevard.? I work overnight.? [Expletive] this driving to Philly crap."

But we drive.? And drive.? Tyga, whose day job is at one of the Apple Stores in Manhattan, takes a conference call in the backseat.? Sambo Steve plays old television theme songs on his phone, leaving us to guess which shows they're from.? Anthony talks of Japanese MMA ? apparently passion of his.? The mood never once strays from being light.? No one knows anything about the man Anthony is supposed to fight other than that he's from New Jersey and his name is Michael Roberts, and yet the lack of information doesn't seem to bother them.? Then it's 9:30, and we're stuck in traffic on the Benjamin Franklin Bridge.? We're late.

Thankfully, when we get to the venue a half hour later, the weigh-ins are still underway.? Unlike other commissions, the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission allows for pro/am cards ? fight cards that feature a mix of professional MMA bouts and amateur ones.? The pros slated for tonight's Matrix Fights weighed in the night before.? The amateurs get to do their thing the day of, without fanfare, the commission official telling them to complete some paperwork and step on the scale and that's it.

The venue is a union hall not too far from the heart of the city.? The floor is carpeted, and rows of folding chairs surround the cage that's set up in the middle of a room that could fit somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,500 spectators.? While Anthony weighs in and fills out forms, Sambo Steve and Tyga mingle with other coaches.? A few feet away, one of the female fighters on the card is handed a store-bought pregnancy test to take (standard operating procedure for fighters of the fairer sex).? Some mill about nervously.? Others stare off into space and nod their heads to the music blaring in their headphones.

One hundred seventy-two pounds is Anthony's official weight.? ?Andria the matchmaker tells us to come back at 6:00 p.m.? The doors are scheduled to open to the public at 7:00 p.m., and first fight is scheduled for 8:00.? It's only 10:30 a.m. now.

The first order business is to get Anthony some food, so we find him a place that serves breakfast, and eggs, pancakes, oatmeal and freshly-squeezed orange juice are scarfed down.?

The chatter is constant, the talk hovering around Anthony's opponent (no one is completely sure who he was at the weigh-ins ? was he that tall, muscle-bound dude?? Was he the dark-skinned kid with the boxing coach?? Was he even there?).?? It's a funny thing being a fighter's coach on the day of their fight, something akin to having a wife in the beginning stages of child birth.? All the preparation ? whether they're Lamaze breathing techniques or transitions into submissions ? culminates into that one acute moment where the only thing that matters is the thing you're there for, and regardless of whether if it's happening in a delivery room or cage, the focus and singularity of purpose and words of encouragement in the ear are virtually interchangeable.? "You're ready for this," says Sambo Steve, and "Just concentrate on what we worked on," says Tyga, and it's not impossible to imagine those words said to Anthony being said to a woman in the throes of labor.

After our meal we leave Anthony at his car, the idea being that he will nap and rest up.? But that's folly, rest never comes.? Anthony's going to be stepping into the cage in a few hours and stand before someone who wants nothing more than to punch his face in ? how can he sleep?

For lack of nothing better to do, Sambo Steve, Tyga and I are at the movies, and it's there that Anthony finds us killing time.? We watch some art house flick, some tear-jerker that is the farthest thing from violent and motivating and the kind of film that someone with a fight in a few hours would ever want to watch.? Afterwards, we drive over to the venue and sit in the car in the parking lot.

The light mood from hours before has transformed into a tense silence.? Battle is impending.

(End of Part 1.? Tune in tomorrow for Part 2, because, you know, fighting and stuff.)

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/long-day-journey-fight-part-1-190903922--mma.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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PEER 1 Hosting is uniquely positioned to help organisations doing online business in London during the summer events. With a wholly owned and managed 10Gbps FastFiber Network?, Portsmouth Data Centre, High Availability and Disaster Recovery Services and Content Distribution Network (CDN) are designed and managed to deliver uptime and reliability at all times.

PEER 1 Hosting, the global online web hosting provider, has announced today the launch of its own ?Team 2012? to offer assistance to businesses needing to stay online during the events taking place in London this summer. The move is in direct response to Government warnings to London businesses about disruption they may encounter as a result of events taking place in the capital.

In its booklet, ?Preparing your business for the Games?, LOCOG warns:
?In developing your business continuity plan for the Games you will need to ensure that any increase in homeworking is supported by appropriate IT, and that internal systems and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have been engaged in the planning process so that the demands on the system can be understood and managed.
It is possible that internet services may be slower during the Games or in very severe cases there may be drop outs due to an increased number of people accessing the internet.?
Dominic Monkhouse, MD of PEER 1 Hosting UK said: ?For many businesses, the events in London this Summer bring the potential of increased business whilst also presenting potential of increased complexity. We have had a number of enquiries from businesses based in and around London and the South, who are dependent on the internet, whether it?s for back office SaaS applications, ecommerce sites, customer service portals, virtual training or anything in between, who want to make sure their business benefits rather than suffers from the increased activity on the capital.

PEER 1 Hosting is uniquely positioned to help organisations doing online business in London during the summer events. Our wholly owned and managed 10Gbps FastFiber Network?, Portsmouth Data Centre, High Availability and Disaster Recovery Services and Content Distribution Network (CDN) are designed and managed to deliver uptime and reliability at all times. And because they circumvent the network quagmire that will be London during June and July, businesses that need to be online nonstop can stay online nonstop.?

PEER 1?s Team 2012, has its own phone line: +44 (0) 2380 926 309 and email address: team2012@peer1hosting.co.uk which enables business leaders concerned with uptime during this summer to discuss concerns and potential solutions with dedicated experts. The company has also created a specific web page with infographics to support businesses that want to learn more about how their business may be affected. In addition, flexible contracts are in place to support businesses specifically during this time.

Source: http://www.ehostinfo.com/news/2012/07/28/peer-1-hostings-team-2012-keeps-london-businesses-online-during-summer-events/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

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These educational videos have been produced by the Asthma Project in Netherlands, whose aim is to limit problems for children with asthma, ensuring normal health and growth. This video is general in nature and are not intended to substitute or replace professional advice. Always talk to a healthcare professional about your health or any questions you may have regarding your health.
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Source: http://myveryhealthy.com/todays-healthcare/funding-for-asthma-medications.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=funding-for-asthma-medications

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Maintain your affiliate marketing articles completely good. Even words with little unfavorable connotations are certainly not permissible. g.

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Source: http://answers.carecrunch.com/?p=150374&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=popular-items-that-will-really-direct-you-towards-affiliate-marketing-online

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Friday, July 27, 2012

This Launch Will Make You Money And Your Customers Will LOVE It ...

When I personally am looking for an affiliate product to sell
my first question is always, ?what evidence is there that my
customers WANT this? is there evidence of them desperately
searching for a solution to the problem that the product solves??

My second question is, ?what proof do I have that the product

Here?s a product that I will be aggressively promoting starting
August 1st, BECAUSE it meets those criteria perfectly.


The thing that EVERY business online and offline always wants
more of is customers? buyers through the front door!

That?s why I?ve focused on list-building, traffic generation
and joint ventures for most of the past 16 years!

They are ALL about getting more traffic to a website.

Traffic, and how to get more of it? has always sold, and I
believe always will.

Google is still the big dog? in the game. Yes, lots of places
get lots of traffic, but Google is in the traffic funneling
BUSINESS? so they are worth focusing one.

Anyway, the reason that I?m promoting this product, and recommend
that you do so too, is that during my visit with the product
creator, I discovered that he makes a LOT of money from doing
SEO for some fairly big clients, in some very competitive niches.

He is not teaching theory. He is teaching what he does day in and
day out, and gets paid handsomely for doing properly.

Here?s a video of Rob and I hanging out on the beach in the
Philippines, where I warmed him up with some fresh-baked cassava
that my sister-in-law prepared just for that meeting :-)

I spent a lot of time picking Rob?s mind, he really knows his topic,
and if you tell your customers about this very affordable product,
they will buy it, and they will be happy that you told them about

This is a winner!

It will make you a lot of commissions.


Tags: Getting More Joint Venture Parteners, Google Panda, Google Resurrection, Google Resurrection 2.0, Google Slaps, joint venture secrets, Joint Ventures, New Product Launch, Rob Wiser

Source: http://williecrawford.com/blog2/this-launch-will-make-you-money-and-your-customers-will-love-it/

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ECB chief Draghi vows total support for euro

European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi vowed unconditional support for the beleaguered euro Thursday, sending markets into orbit as traders eyed further action from the bank to shore up the eurozone.

In apparently unscripted comments in London, the normally reserved Draghi said his institution was "ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me it will be enough."

Stressing that the euro was "irreversible", Draghi said that part of his bank's remit was to keep sovereign debt levels under control when they hampered the proper functioning of interest rate policy.

Analysts saw Draghi's comment as a hint the ECB could soon reintroduce its hotly contested programme of buying up the bonds of struggling eurozone countries that has lain dormant for several months.

As Spanish borrowing costs soared over seven percent earlier this week -- the level that forced Ireland, Portugal and Greece into bailouts -- the bank has come under increasing pressure to restart the programme.

And Draghi's hints had an immediate impact on borrowing costs, with Spain's shooting below the seven-percent mark and Italian costs plummeting to just above six percent.

The comments also sent stock markets into euphoric mood and boosted the euro on the foreign exchange markets after several days of painful declines amid fresh speculation the eurozone might implode or Spain might need a bailout.

ABN Amro economist Nick Kounis said that Draghi had "opened the door for a restart of the central bank's government bond purchase programme", untapped since February.

"The crisis response looks likely to focus on direct intervention in the government bond market," he added.

And CMC Markets analyst Michael Hewson told AFP that Draghi's remarks "suggest that the ECB may well do something about capping rising bond yields."

Attention would now turn to Draghi's monthly news conference in Frankfurt next Thursday "to see if he means what he says," the analyst added.

Since the eurozone sovereign debt crisis erupted more than two and a half years ago, the ECB has won praise as the only European institution that has acted quickly and decisively to stem the turmoil.

It has cut interest rates to a record low level of 0.75 percent and flooded banks with more than one trillion euros ($1.22 trillion) of ultra-cheap loans in a bid to stimulate lending and get the economy moving again.

ECB officials have never ceased to repeat that such measures are only temporary and merely meant to buy time for governments to tackle the root causes of the crisis -- profligate spending.

Draghi insisted again in his London speech that the ECB did not want to "supplement actions that have to be taken by governments."

"That is not our job," he insisted.

But the central bank chief did praise efforts taken by EU leaders to fight the flames saying that "progress has been extraordinary in the last six months".

Meanwhile, another top European official was on his way to Greece, the birthplace of the eurozone crisis, as the International Monetary Fund said talks with Athens over its bailout programme would last into September.

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso flew to Athens to meet Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras as finance ministry officials unveiled a list of spending cuts worth some 11.6 billion euros.

The spending cuts, reportedly to come largely from pensions, health care and benefits, are designed to help Greece negotiate a longer fiscal overhaul to cope with a deep recession, a finance ministry official said.

Auditors from the IMF, the European Union and the ECB are in Athens to judge Greece's progress towards making economic reforms seen as vital to haul the debt-wracked country out of a crippling depression.

The audit report will determine whether Greece will receive a 31.5-billion-euro tranche from a EU-IMF loan programme it desperately needs to keep the economy afloat.

-- Dow Jones Newswires contributed to this report --

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ecb-chief-draghi-vows-total-support-euro-000315753.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

WikiLeaks: Famous Spanish judge to defend Assange against 'American scheme'

Julian Assange hired human rights champion Baltazar Garz?n to defend his case in court.

By Andr?s Calas,?Correspondent / July 25, 2012

In this Feb. 1 photo, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, arrives at the Supreme Court in London.

Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP/File


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hired human rights champion and former Spanish judge Baltazar Garz?n to fight what he fears is an American scheme to eventually try him for revealing a stash of secret documents.?

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International jurist Mr. Garz?n, who was recently disbarred in Spain, ?has expressed serious concerns regarding the lack of safeguards and transparency, and the harassment [Assange] is being subjected to,? says a statement released late yesterday evening on Twitter by WikiLeaks.

?There is clear political intentionality behind this affair,? Garz?n was quoted on Wednesday in a Spanish radio station, citing ?the great job [Assange] has done with his organization.?

Garz?n met Mr. Assange ?recently? in Ecuador?s embassy in London, according to the statement. In June, Assange sought refuge there to avoid what would have been an imminent extradition to Sweden over rape allegations, although he hasn?t been formally charged. Ecuador has said it will take as long as it wants to make a decision.?The UK has a pending arrest warrant for breaking his bail terms.

Ecuador?s Foreign Minister Ricardo Pati?o said Assange ?has the right to hire and look for the legal advice that he needs or may need for the asylum request.?

Assange respects the judicial process, Garz?n said. ?We want and demand guarantees that the process he is facing is really just.?

US denouncement

The United States has not charged Assange either, but the Obama administration has publicly denounced him for allegedly putting lives in danger for disclosing thousands of secret documents compromising intelligence operations and sources, on top of angering a myriad of governments over embarrassing revelations.

US Army Private Bradley Manning is facing a court martial, among other reasons, for ?aiding the enemy? when he allegedly leaked documents to WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks and its supporters contend that their revelations are protected under free speech and a legitimate vehicle in defense of transparency.

Garz?n will defend both WikiLeaks and Julian Assange from ?the existing abuse of process; expose the arbitrary, extrajudicial actions, and show how the secret US processes have compromised and contaminated other legal processes, including the extradition process.? He also accused the UK and Sweden for being complicit in ?wrongfully abrogating [Assange?s] rights.?

Celebrity status?

Spain?s Supreme Court in February disbarred Garz?n for illegally ordering wiretappings, in effect ending his career. As a judge, Garz?n rose to celebrity status for his relentless quixotic battles against South American dictators, terrorism, drug lords, and US sanctioned torture in Guantanamo.

He is not new to the UK legal system either. In 2008, he ordered the arrest of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and unsuccessfully tried to have him extradited to face charges for human rights violations.

Later that year Garz?n opened a controversial investigation for human rights violations during Spain?s Civil War that ended in 1939. Several extreme-right organizations soon filed three separate complaints against him, one of them related to his attempt to unearth the remains of over 100,000 people killed during the conflict.

Garz?n is trying to appeal his disbarment. He opened a legal firm in Madrid and is still involved in human rights advocacy, but in an advisory role.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/6UWxvzeHzq4/WikiLeaks-Famous-Spanish-judge-to-defend-Assange-against-American-scheme

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Engadget's smartphone buyer's guide: summer 2012 edition

Engadget's smartphone buyer's guide summer 2012 edition

Despite the sweltering heat waves, our spirits are high at Engadget, and for good reason: it's time for our summer edition of the smartphone buyer's guide. Here, you'll find our top recommendations for the best smartphones across several US carriers, along with the best QWERTY and budget alternatives. In many ways, it's now easier than ever to find a world-class smartphone, but unless you've developed a strong brand preference, choosing one is likely more difficult than ever before. It's no secret that the HTC One X and Samsung Galaxy S III have firmly cemented themselves as the premier smartphones of the day, but if you're torn between the two, we'll reveal our preference in this latest installment.

Summertime also brought a bit of a shock, as Microsoft revealed that Windows Phone 8 apps won't be compatible with the current generation of Windows Phone hardware. For this reason, we've excluded all Windows Phone handsets from consideration in the latest buyer's guide. While the future of Microsoft's mobile platform looks incredibly bright, a purchase now would guarantee obsolescence in the short-term. Instead, all prospective Windows Phone purchasers must wait for the next generation of handsets to become available -- you'll regret it otherwise.

Naturally, there is no shortage of rumors surrounding the next Apple iPhone, and given the handset's current lack of LTE connectivity, the iPhone 4S is certainly showing its age. While cautious purchasers may choose to bide their time, the iPhone remains top-notch in many other respects, and its arrival at a number of prepaid carriers brought a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stagnant environment.

If you're curious to see how it all unfolded -- and we know you are -- join us after the break, where we round up the very best smartphones of the season.

Continue reading Engadget's smartphone buyer's guide: summer 2012 edition

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Engadget's smartphone buyer's guide: summer 2012 edition originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:05:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Russia says U.S. tries to justify terrorism in Syria

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia accused the United States on Wednesday of trying to justify terrorism against the Syrian government and berated Western nations it said had failed to condemn a bomb attack that killed senior security officials.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, referring to what he said were comments by U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland indicating such attacks were not surprising, said: "This is a direct justification of terrorism."

"To put it mildly, we don't understand the refusal of our partners to condemn the terrorist attack in Damascus," he said.

He suggested Washington was using the threat of further attacks to push the U.N. Security Council to place international mediator Kofi Annan's peace plan under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter.

Chapter 7 allows the council to authorize actions ranging from diplomatic and economic sanctions to military intervention, although U.S. officials have said they would prefer the former course of action.

Lavrov said the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, had cited the July 18 bomb attack in Damascus as evidence that the Security Council should not delay further in adopting a Chapter 7 resolution.

"In other words this means 'We will continue to support such terrorist attacks until the Security Council does what we want,'" Lavrov told a news conference after talks with Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis.

"This is a terrible position."

Lavrov criticized Western sanctions on Syria and defended Russia's veto last week of a U.N. Security Council resolution that would have threatened the Syrian authorities with sanctions if they did not halt violence.

He also reiterated Moscow's stance that Assad's departure from power could not be a precondition to a political dialogue aimed at ending the 16-month-old conflict and that Syrians themselves must decide the country's future.

Two rebel Syrian groups claimed responsibility for the bombing that killed Assad's brother-in-law Assef Shawkat, a senior commander and one of the pillars of the Assad clan's rule, as well as Defense Minister Daoud Rajha, intelligence chief Hisham Bekhtyar and veteran army general Hassan Turkmani.

(Reporting by Steve Gutterman; Writing by Alissa de Carbonnel; Editing by Angus MacSwan)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russia-accuses-united-states-justifying-terrorism-syria-101650207.html

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Iran seeks to work with Facebook against porn

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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/iran-seeks-facebook-against-porn-164727526.html

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Jay Quine on the Bible: Is Smoking Right or Wrong? - Health - Quit ...


Smoking is definitely drawing smoking cigarettes smoke a pipe from cigarette or cigar or perhaps pipe into the mouth along with generally into your lung plus puffing the item out. Tobacco as well as tobacco carries a long plus checkered history dating. The tobacco seed is definitely believed to be generally spread inside America since the initial century. People have smoked cigarettes cigarettes regarding thousand involving years. Pictorial data connected with tobacco night out back for the 11th century. Now there will be hundreds of enormous amounts electric smoker entire world wide. A homework claims this everyday related to one thousands folks take their particular very first puff connected with cigarette. (US. Department associated with Health and also Human Service, 2009) Every decades million of individuals stop functioning from the put in place attributable to smoking cigarette. Each calendar year million associated with people today possess melanoma and several additional disorders brought on by this cigarette in addition to cigarette. Many people today notion of which absolutely nothing erroneous together with using tobacco cigarette. Because they believe tobacco exclusively affect them. But relating to the bible cigarette smoking is completely wrong in fact it i a sin that will smoke a pipe because using tobacco doesn't have a large number of advantages for your electric smoker along with people. And all people witnesses that using tobacco will be harmful with regard to these and also the people today about them. The bible in no way truly includes a passage revealing all of us never to smoke. But every one sees that smoking can be bad. And there are lots of terrible influences through smoking.

Ethics could be the analysis associated with great in addition to evil, proper along with wrong. Christian ethic is inseparable from theology given it is grounded while in the character involving God. The task regarding Christian honesty is definitely to determine what exactly conforms to help God's identity along with how much does not.Christian employs this bible along with the personality with God to determine that which is right or even wrong. Christian morality is founded around the certainty that a total meaning order is available outside of our being. There definitely isn't a new holy bible saying sharing with us all not to smoke cigars but according to God's persona most people won't smoking as well as the somebody in addition presents us caution while using the excessive having regarding home wine for instance that bible also tells individuals to seek that Holy Spirit for you to feel good in lieu of some other chemical.

Christian morality will be proven within the conviction that an absolute meaning order exists without using your being. It is usually a morality with the characteristics associated with God. The Bible notify us "The true gentle that will gives easy that will everyman" (John 1:9 NIV) The Christian as well purposes the law of love to know what is usually right and also wrong. As Christian some of our liability to be able to love our own neighbor includes an even much more simple obligation: our duty to love God. "The moral conclusion and also the actual greatest great is a wonder involving God." (William Young, Baker Dictionary regarding Christian Ethics, 432-433) The Christian who seem to discover the reality involving God's regulation will bind their lifestyle plus behave it.

Smoking is definitely bad for our own body. The Bible explained to individuals "Do you certainly not understand that your whole body will be forehead from the Holy Spirit, who's within you, which you might have gotten from God? You are certainly not your own; you're acquired at the price. Therefore recognize God with your body." From this a person saying we understand that we should take care of our body as well as stay healthy. And cigarettes is not really an effective way to remain healthy. And Jesus in addition educates individuals for being wholesome in real and psychic life. Smoking is certainly very damaging of ones health. Smoking have been confirmed to harm the actual lungs as well as heart. A homework point out that every years 5.4 large numbers men and women die out of lung cancer, heart disease, as well as other health problems straight related to cigarette smoking use.

The Bible explains people which "Everything is definitely permissible regarding me- but not everything is beneficial. Everything is definitely permissible for me- however I will not be acquired through anything." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV) Smoking seriously isn't considered useful and smoking cigarettes isn't definitely honoring God together with each of our body. Nobody is definitely cigarette smoking for any glory of God. Everyone knows that you'll find not any benefits coming from using tobacco vapor smoke there may be benefits out of marketing vapor smoke but the truth is acquire almost nothing pertaining to smoking. The a person command individuals not to allow the body to get learned by way of everything in addition to using tobacco can end up being addictive as well as some individuals are acquired by way of smoke and they also just simply dwelling unveiled in order to smoke along with just about all they consider is actually cigarette. God will not want people to be able to harm our own bodies or maybe any individual all-around us all and cigarettes can easily damages all of us individuals all around us.

There are many reasons not to smoke. Some persons express cigarette smoking make these people look excellent also it help make these folks overlook bad things. Some people believe that cigarette smoking help them lose at this time there excess fat but using tobacco will be terrible in your health and fitness and ends up in several ailment in addition to disorders. Smoking lead to cancer, soul disease, plus persistent obstructive pulmonary diseases. God does not want individuals to help get ailment along with die from smoking. And smoking offers several negative influences to the smoking efficianado tobacco gives people bad breath of air in addition to yellow-colored teeth. Smoking likewise provides negative effects within the skin. And it's tough to tell people about Jesus when we are smoking.

People shouldn't smoke due to the fact smoking pattern is rather harmful their financial. Christian must not shell out there dollars on smoking as well as drinking. Many marlboro providers spend massive upon marketing on a yearly basis around 2005 they commit $13 billion to market cigarette. Because vapor smoke businesses make billions of money every single calendar month selling cigarette. The using tobacco practice provides picked up increasingly more high priced just about every year. The average electric smoker uses $30 weekly pertaining to smoking. A analyze estimate the sum of the price regarding tobacco for a human being on a yearly basis will be $3391. (CDC, 2002) That will be income that may go towards expenses and lifetime charge and also most of us could possibly assist the folks who?re inside need along with which money. Lower cash flow persons smoke cigars significantly more as opposed to wealthy, along with commit a new better per cent of your earnings on tobacco. And cigarettes health and wellbeing production expenditures get to $150 thousand a year. (CDC , 2002) If a electric smoker continues clear these people receive diseases subsequently they should have to pay money capital to take care of these kind of diseases. Also, smoker could possibly have to pay for more income for well being plus life insurance.

Tobacco companies help to make a whole lot funds from providing their product. Some Christian thinks this there is nothing erroneous by using providing light up in case we all do not smoke them. But this holy bible advised us that "So in everything, do that will additional what you'll possess these people perform to you, with this value upwards the actual law as well as prophet."(Matthew 7:8 NIV) A massive amount people become prosperous from providing cigarette. But Jesus informs us in order to love our enemy and pray for these individuals then one from the methods of like other folks isn't doing damage to help them. And Christians are classified as to live "in" the actual world, not necessarily "of" it. So we ought to not perform what exactly is erroneous even though other folks create a massive amount cash from selling cigarette. The holy bible furthermore point out "Don't copy that conduct and customs with that world, nevertheless make it possible for God convert you right different particular person simply by altering the method that you think. Then understand to be able to find out God's will pertaining to you, which often is definitely beneficial and also agreeable and perfect." (Roman 12:2) Even because people earn a living doing items that may be terrible such as providing medicine and also cigarette. However, Christian must not make it happen and also show to the others how Christian live at this time there holy life.

Since 1910 persons have got learned all about the bad effect coming from tobacco. And people be aware that cigarettes is terrible things and also most people making the effort to quit smoking. In 2001, 22.8% involving American adult, related to 46.2 million, smoked, and 70% ones stated that they needed to stop. (CDC, 2002) Many individuals who tried out to help quit smoking have failed. A wide range of consumers are dependent on smoking. Christian which doesn't smoke will need to support persons quit using tobacco along with will need to help stop persons out of smoking. Because whenever most people don't' assistance ban cigarettes or maybe help reduce other folks through using tobacco it's a sin given it isn't carrying out what God desire us in order to do. Today an increasing number of towns are moving past law keeping cigarette smoking with arrest places such as eateries plus park due to known effect associated with cigarettes and used smoke. In fact, a used vehicle smoking could be extra hazardous in order to a non-smoker than the primary smoke cigarettes to smoker. Christian won't smoke cigarettes given it will hurt others and Christian ought to guide avoid tobacco mainly because preventing tobacco will help individuals other folks who don't smoke a pipe being healthy and balanced and live the best life. So Christian need to keep many people from smoking because breathing in smoke a pipe can get rid of us and also all of us have to make the extra effort of each of our body. Many people today get started cigarettes they usually reckon that they will won't ever find hooked and also develop into a smoker. Other people are convinced using tobacco is straightforward to be able to quit. But laying off is not really as simple while they think it's going to be. And there are formula inside cigarette that will help make the actual electric smoker so used along with allow it to be very difficult to quit smoking. As Christian in the event that most of us know folks that smoke a pipe we should tips and help these to be able to give up smoking. Smoking is usually hard to terminate although when using the assistance from God and people all around they can supports and they could come to be Christian.

One on the methods to support reduce using tobacco can be to show your infants about the bad impact through smoking. As having nearly many public-health problems, a serious huddle get rid of tobacco will be the deficiency of open public education. People will not be totally responsive to the risk to safety of smoking, and it is some sort of weakness that this smoking cigarettes market is definitely quick in order to exploit. A analysis display of which just 25% regarding the particular Chinese population realized which tobacco is actually ended up being will be harmful their health. (WHO, 2007) Christian will need to explain to and also cautioned others concerning the poor effect from tobacco. Christian father and mother will need to reduce their youngsters from smoking. As children expand into teen, they might appear to track out of exactly what their particular parent says. But experiments demonstrates which mom and dad usually are still your strongest impact on adolescents, major decision, just like whether to smoking as well as take or even include sex. ( Philip Morris USA, 2006 ) As Christian we should educate other people within the negative effect of smoking cigarettes and we should actually tell them about Jesus.

Christian perspective that will electric smoker must be excellent along with comprehend them because some individuals smoke cigars simply because they are usually stress and in addition they don't possess almost any desire around life. Even the select few realise that cigarettes will be damaging of these nonetheless they can't treatment simply because they lack any hope throughout life and cigarette smoking help to make these individuals overlook this bad thing. Christian should proceed explain to the, regarding god and explain that Jesus like all of them and also show the particular love. And it is going to help make these possess expect inside life and kick the habit of smoking.

Is cigarettes wrong? Some men and women think that nothing is completely wrong having using tobacco since it is far from carrying out nearly anything bad. Other people imagine that cigarettes is just not completely wrong for the reason that believe that when using tobacco can be harmful why would God made tobacco. But we realise that every single factor which God created is good nonetheless mainly because males sins alongside beneficial knowning that make the many awful things on the planet exists. But all people that smoke cigars is aware of on the inside his or her heart and soul of which smoking is erroneous and so they should never perform that. Smoking may be a sin. But perhaps in the upcoming if most people could help to make smoke that will does not damage your body possibly this day smoking is not your sin. But for at this point tobacco is wrong.



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7. Noebel A. David,Understanding your Times Summit Press (2006),Manitou Springs,CO 80829, Printed in U.S.A.

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14. World Book Encyclopedia 2003. World Book Inc. the year 2003 Chicago, IL


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Jay Quine

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Source: http://houstonchurchsigns.blogspot.com/2012/07/is-smoking-right-or-wrong-health-quit_4943.html

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