Sunday, September 22, 2013

Foreign varsities cold to idea of campus in India

Yale, Cambridge, MIT and Stanford ? top-ranking global universities have given a cold shoulder to the Indian government?s renewed efforts to invite foreign universities to set up campus in India.

While the Pallam Raju-led human resource development ministry recently announced that it is set to open doors to top 400 foreign varsities by registering them as companies under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, the move hardly seems to have enthused global academic leaders. Queries sent to top 30 global universities on India?s proposal returned with similar responses ? in the negative.

Professor Leszek Borysiewicz, vice-chancellor of Cambridge University, said while it is ?an interesting development which marks a growing trend towards trans-national education?, the varsity prefers collaboration over competition. ?Our own approach to global partnerships is that there is such quality, excellence and potential in the Indian higher education sector that Cambridge wishes to collaborate rather than compete, to be a partner rather than a rival. We already have multiple research collaborations in place with institutions such as JNU, Public Health Foundation of India, IIT-Bombay and IISC Bangalore. We are looking to increase these and to promote two-way exchanges of students and faculty to mutual benefit,? the VC told The Indian Express in an email.

Like Cambridge, MIT said they preferred partnerships instead. ?MIT?s approach to international engagement is based on collaboration and local capacity building, so this policy does not change how we work with our colleagues, friends and alumni in India. Because we prefer the partnership model, we do not establish branch campuses that would operate independently,? vice-president, MIT, Claude Canizares said on the issue.

Yale, on the other hand, has categorically said it has no plans for a physical presence in India. ?The only campus on which a student can earn a Yale degree is in New Haven,? George Joseph, director for international relations and leadership programmes at Yale said.

Stanford University also said it has no plans to set up campus anywhere else. ?This is an institutional decision and not related to any actions taken by the Indian government,? the university said.

California Institute of Technology


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Chicago shooting shows gap in stepped-up policing

CHICAGO (AP) ? Armed with an assault rifle, assailants indiscriminately sprayed a crowded Chicago park with bullets during a neighborhood basketball game. A 3-year-old boy was struck in the face, among 13 people wounded during the apparent gang shooting.

Thursday night's attack occurred just between areas police have flooded with officers, demonstrating the difficulty of trying to contain all of the city's gang hotspots. It also reignited outrage over the toll of Chicago's gun violence, the perpetrators' disregard for those caught in the crossfire and the inability of even stepped-up police action to prevent such setbacks.

On Friday, residents grappling for answers decried the invasion of drugs and a lack of local leaders, a prominent rap artist said more must be done to understand the city's youth, and a frustrated police chief again called for tougher gun laws.

"We can do a lot of really good policing. ... We can reduce crime, like we're doing, but we're not going to have success occur as long as these guns keep flowing into our community," police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said during a news conference.

"Illegal guns, illegal guns, illegal guns drive violence," he said as he called on lawmakers to toughen the nation's gun laws.

The recent shooting happened shortly after 10 p.m. in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, on the city's southwest side, in Cornell Square Park, which was crowded with people watching a neighborhood basketball game and enjoying a warm late-summer night.

The assailants used a 7.62 mm rifle fed by a high-capacity magazine, a type of weapon that belongs on a "battlefield, not on the street or a corner or a park in the Back of the Yards," McCarthy said.

McCarthy said officers were "interviewing a number of people" but there was no one whom he would describe as being in police custody.

Among those hit was 3-year-old Deonta Howard, who was shot in the face, and two teenagers, a 15-year-old and a 17-year-old.

Deonta was alert when he arrived at the hospital and was apparently doing well, his family and friends said early Friday. He was in critical condition, as were two other shooting victims. The others were in serious or fair condition when taken to hospitals, according to the Chicago Fire Department; hospital officials declined to provide updates Friday evening.

"It's devastating," said 63-year-old Morris Shadrach Davis, one of the boy's relatives. He said one of the boy's uncles was fatally shot during a violent Labor Day weekend in the city that claimed a total of eight lives and left 20 others wounded.

"We are not a bad family," he said, struggling to make sense of his family's double tragedy and the larger tragedy unfolding in the city.

"The black community is really messed up now," he said at his home on the city's West Side. "We had leaders before. ... Drugs have infiltrated our community. We as a people have been totally forgotten."

In response to a surge in violence last year, the police department stepped up its crime-fighting efforts, including paying overtime to add patrols to some neighborhoods, including the Back of the Yards. Through the first six months of 2013, the department had spent more than $57 million on overtime for officers, more than half of it from a program that saturates dangerous neighborhoods with hundreds of officers every night.

The park where the shooting took place slipped through the cracks. Police said they had "impact zones," with intensified patrols, three blocks north and three blocks south of the park.

But police were well aware that the area was what McCarthy called "a high-gang conflict zone." Some of the victims were gang members, McCarthy said, but detectives were not clear on the intended target.

Violent crime is down this year in Chicago compared with 2012, when homicides surged past 500 for the first time since 2008. Police have recorded 305 homicides so far this year, 21 percent fewer than the 389 slayings recorded over the same period last year.

The hip hop artist Common, a Chicago native who has spoken eloquently about his hometown's violence, said the city needs to better understand its young people and be more consistent in its efforts to help them. Speaking at a city-sponsored summit aimed at helping local musicians develop their careers, he noted that while the violence remains a problem, so does increasing poverty and other hardships that families face.

"It makes me think I got to do more, we got to do more," said Common, who has a foundation that helps expose disadvantaged young people to the creative arts. "Young people, we have to meet them where they are. Some of them may not be in a place where they can say, 'OK I'm going to stop.' It may be a process. You have to deal with that."

Some residents responded with resilience.

At the park where the shooting took place, two men with a well-worn basketball came onto the courts Friday afternoon to proclaim the site safe.

"We're not going to let an act of evil discourage us," T.T. Turner, pastor at Mount Sinai Baptist Church, said as he shot baskets with Cleo Miller, a 26-year-old with Michael Jordan "Jumpman" logo earrings.

"Those that did this will be caught," Turner said.


Associated Press writer Ashley M. Heher in Chicago and AP news researcher Rhonda Shafner in New York contributed to this report.


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Friday, September 20, 2013

Sales Software: Why Do You Need It? - Future Simple

Sales Software

I?ve spoken with hundreds of sales managers prior to purchasing a sales software tool ? and although their pre-software pipeline management strategies are often similar, I?m still taken by surprise during every conversation. Though a common practice, piecing together sales data in a random spreadsheet just doesn?t make sense to me anymore. Now, there are tools that help sales managers do the work that used to take them weeks in hours ? and it?s getting easier all the time.

Why do you need sales software? Here?s just a glimpse into what it will do for you:

Standardize your sales process

Your business has probably outlined a sales process that each sales rep is supposed to follow. But are they working within that process? And how do you know? Short of checking in on each member of your team individually, the solution is sales software. The best CRM tools will allow you to customize your sales stages to fit your business and make it easy for your team to adopt. Then, sales managers can make sure the team is following protocol (and even help nudge leads through the sales cycle) in a fraction of the time.

Organize the details

Every sale is unique. The length of the sales cycle is never the same ? and that means the number of interactions between your salesperson and his prospect varies greatly. Without sales software, where do all of those interactions go? They sit in an email inbox, the salespersons head, a random spreadsheet. A CRM enables your sales team to track each interaction with every prospect ? and the most intuitive products do so seamlessly and automatically.

Take your sales with you

Your outside sales team probably works from their phones as often as (if not more than) they do from a computer. Sales software ensures that all of the prospect details we talked about a minute ago stay with you at all times. That means when one of your top prospects calls to talk shop you know exactly where they are in the sales cycle, what you discussed yesterday and can speak intelligently to every prospect. And if your CRM offers a native application, accessing this information is always a piece of cake.

Analyze and report in minutes

Let?s go back to the spreadsheets ? I?m sure you?re either using them to track each sale now, or you did at one point in time. But how do you understand your team?s funnel when it?s not all housed in one place? Sales software is the only way to get a comprehensive view of your team?s activities, from cold call to prospect to quote to sale. Without a sales software tool, that?s impossible. Your CRM tool should allow sales managers to run any report, anytime, anywhere, with just a minutes notice.

Without sales software, all of the above is both difficult and time consuming. Base CRM allows sales managers to standardize the sales process with flexible, drag and drop pipeline management, compile deal detail automatically, check up on each prospect in a native mobile app and produce flexible reports in minutes. The time you save by implementing a powerful CRM tool will far outweigh its costs. Leave a comment below and let me know how you?re currently managing your pipeline.

About Jackie Hermes Steinmetz

Jackie Hermes Steinmetz is a Milwaukee-based marketing professional and creative entrepreneur. She contributes to Growth University about marketing, sales, and start-ups. Connect with Jackie on Google +.


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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Planning Successful School Tours - Travel and Leisure - Travel

Planning Successful School Tours

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It has long been recognised that school tours are a positive addition to any learning experience. Giving students the opportunity to travel will help to broaden their horizons and develop their understanding of their subject. Learning in the classroom situation certainly has its place, but there is no substitute for appreciating a subject in an authentic context. Students are encouraged to question, evaluate, appreciate, debate and are often left motivated and inspired to learn more.

Taking students on school tours, however, can be a daunting thought for a teacher - but help is at hand. There are excellent travel companies on the market that specialise in organising school tours and they offer a professional service drawing from years of experience in the business. As long as you plan carefully (and well in advance), your students will have a fantastic experience and one they will remember always.

Planning, planning, planning

The first step to organising school tours is to contact the company you are going to book through. Choose one that is reputable and well known so you are guaranteed a quality, experienced service. The initial phone call will involve a discussion about your ideas, requirements and the destinations you may be considering. You'll then be given a quote that details an itinerary and all that is included.

Following this, there is a process that begins with a no-obligation provisional booking. This means that flights, hotels and other excursions included are pre-booked and held ready for confirmation. Then it is up to you, as the tour organiser, to take the quote to your School Head or the Governors, or whoever is in a position to give the go-ahead. You will also have a comprehensive risk assessment information sheet provided by the company so the school are aware of what exactly is involved on every step of the tour.

Finalising the details

Once this has all been approved, you can let your students know about the tour being offered. The sooner deposits start coming in the better, as the company will normally require these no later than three weeks after the provisional booking date. Extensions can always be granted if circumstances necessitate it, but deposits are important if confirmation of flight seats and rooms in the requested hotels are to be guaranteed.

A tour coordinator will go through all your itinerary planning and help with any questions or issues you may have. Confirmation, a detailed itinerary, and safety information will be provided, which you can then pass on to the students and their parents. Now is the time many students begin to get excited, as reality sets in and the date for departure draws near.

You're off!

While you're waiting for the big day, it's a good idea to involve participating students in research and group discussions about their destination. While much of the fun of a new place is discovering its attractions first hand, there may be particular things that appeal to students. As long as you plan wisely and enlist the services of a reputable, specialised school travel company, your students will be afforded the opportunity for a fruitful and fulfilling learning experience.

About author: Angela Bowden

Angela Bowden works for STS (School Travel Service), the UK's largest educational travel company, providing school trips for secondary schools, primary schools and colleges. School tours with STS can encompass art/design, foreign languages, history, science/nature, geography and more, to worldwide destinations.

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Legal big data expert Recommind raises $15M ? Tech News and ...

Recommind, a San Francisco-based company that sells machine learning software optimized for e-discovery in the legal industry, has raised $15 million from SAP Ventures. The new money will go toward growing the company?s footprint outside the legal space via enterprise software that lets humans and machines work closely with one another around data analysis ? something Recommind CTO Jan Puzicha?discussed with me in March at Structure: Data.


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Karabakh President met with California State Assembly delegation

17:13, 19 September, 2013

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 19, ARMENPRESS. On 19 September President Bako Sahakyan had a meeting with California State Assembly speaker John P?rez and accompanying him individuals held at the NKR permanent representation in Yerevan.

The Central Information Department of the Artsakh President's Office informed "Armenpress" that a number of issues related to expanding and deepening relations between the Artsakh Republic and the State of California were discussed during the meeting.

The two sides noted the obvious positive dynamics of the Artsakh-California relations, adding that it creates a reliable basis to bring bilateral cooperation to a qualitatively new level in the future.

NKR foreign minister Karen Mirzoyan, the Republic of Armenia's consul general in Los Angeles Sergey Sarkisov, NKR permanent representative to the USA Robert Avetisyan, County of Los Angeles field deputy sheriff Tevan Arustamyan, former consular general of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles Grigor Hovhannisyan and other officials took part in the meeting.


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Senior-laden Ipswich golf team starts out 3-1 with focus on tournament

The landscape is changing in terms of Cape Ann League golf. The old ?haves? have not beaten the ?have nots? as they were regularly expected to in past years.

For example, it?s been a long, lonely time (mid-2000s) since Ipswich?s golfers last defeated Masco. Between those times and last Wednesday, Sept. 11, the Chieftains stood tall as 2011 state champions.

?Masco?s not as strong as they have been in the past. That said, they did go on to defeat Manchester Essex after losing to us,? said Tigers co-coach Steve Lamson. He?s speaking of Ipswich?s 137-120 win over Masconomet.

?We were very pleased. It means we?re making progress,? Lamson added. ?We didn?t play our best, there or at Pentucket the next day, but we still won the matches. It gives us hope that, if we continue to improve, we can finish with a winning record.?

Key to the 3-1 start for the Tigers has been the play of senior co-captain Austin Rubino, averaging close to 27 points in the four matches thus far.

?He?s been consistent. He hasn?t had a bad score, and with him playing No. 1, you want that guy to put up a good score,? said Lamson. ?He?s just a good, solid all-around player. He hits the ball well off the tee, hits good, solid irons and he has a decent short game.?

?I?m starting off stronger than last year,? said Rubino, who scored 30 points against Pentucket on Sept. 12, his season high. ?I can?t complain with how I?ve played, though I still see room for improvement. I?m just going to try to do well the rest of the year.?

Knowing his long game off the tee has generally been good, Rubino made sure to take a good, long look at his short and greens game in the summer.

?I?ve traditionally hit long off the tee and had trouble on the greens. Having put in most of my work on the greens, I?m making a lot more birdies now,? Rubino said. ?Because I can make birdies, my head has been more level. I?m not letting my emotions get away from me.?

Against Masconomet, Rubino started out three-over par.

?I felt I had to make a couple birdies, and then I made them on the next two holes and from there, I was a lot more comfortable with my game,? he said.

Comfort is important in golf. So is pace. The Tigers have to generally keep up the high scoring, with many players over the 20-point mark in the quota system (which gives different point values for par, birdies, bogeys, etc.).

?We?re having the start we always thought we could have,? said Rubino. ?Golf is the kind of thing where you have to keep playing at the same pace. I?m really optimistic with where we?re headed.?

Kyle Mulkerin has also been playing very well this year, scoring 23 and 26 points against Masconomet, respectively.

?He?s played at the No. 7 spot the last couple matches,? said Lamson. ?When Kyle?s on, he can hit the ball as well as anyone on the team. If he gets into a good groove, that?ll be very good for us.?

The majority of the Ipswich High team are seniors, so Rubino knows it?s now or never to play in the state tournament.

?This is our last chance. I?m being more critical of myself, and we?re all trying to do the best we can do,? said Rubino.

Being a regular member of Ipswich Country Club, which he considers to be one of the toughest courses in the CAL, certainly helps his cause and the Tigers? cause overall.

?It?s a huge advantage,? Rubino said. ?We have the course knowledge and that helps us against teams like Masco and other powerhouse teams.?

Against Masco, the Tigers were led by John O?Brien (27), and Rubino, Mulkerin and freshman Tomas Forman (23 apiece).

Rubino led with 30 points against Pentucket, followed by Kyle Mulkerin (26), Erik Gongas (24) and Quinn O?Connor (20).


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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Legal big data expert Recommind raises $15M ? Tech News and ...

Recommind, a San Francisco-based company that sells machine learning software optimized for e-discovery in the legal industry, has raised $15 million from SAP Ventures. The new money will go toward growing the company?s footprint outside the legal space via enterprise software that lets humans and machines work closely with one another around data analysis ? something Recommind CTO Jan Puzicha?discussed with me in March at Structure: Data.


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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

runDisney Pre-Race Health and Fitness Expo ? a Non-Runners View

DISNEY FEB 13 003Once again I find myself issuing a ?just in case? apology. I know some of this may offend somebody and I apologize upfront ? once again ? just my opinion!

The pre-race health and fitness expo is a necessary part of each race. Runners must pick up their bibs, their race packets and any race merchandise they may want to purchase at the Expo, normally held for two days prior to the race. I am not a runner, but I have attended two pre-race Expos with my daughter for her to pick up her necessary items ? one at Walt Disney World? and one at Disneyland?. To say these Expos are an over-whelming experience is an understatement!

DISNEY FEB 13 007I briefly discussed my first experience at a pre-race Expo held at Walt Disney World for the last Princess Half Marathon in a previous post ? runDisney ChEAR Sqaud. I stated in the post that I was overwhelmed by the experience.That Expo was held at Disney?s Coronado Springs Resort in the ball room. That experience was heaven compared to my more recent experience at the pre-race Expo held in Disneyland for the Disneyland Half Marathon and the Dumbo Double Dare Challenge!

DISNEY FEB 13 020The pre-race Health and Fitness Expo held at Walt Disney World, although crowded, was well organized, efficient, sufficiently staffed ? a well-oiled machine! We arrived, picked up my ChEAR Squad packet, picked up my daughter?s race packet, shopped and were gone from Coronado Springs within 1.5 hours ? most of this time spent shopping. Check out lines were handled efficiently and quickly. Since this was my only experience attending a pre-race Expo, this is what I expected would happen at Disneyland ? to say I was disappointed, over-whelmed, exhausted and totally amazed at the behavior of some people and this pre-race Expo, would be an understatement!

We all understand that Disneyland does not have the benefit of space that Walt Disney World has ? however, they were well away of the number of runners that MUST go to the Expo. They are well aware that few runners travel alone ? they often come with friends and family which adds significantly to the numbers. If your space is limited maybe someone should have thought that it might have been a good idea to be a little more strict with who enters the Expo ? let runners ONLY in between certain hours so they can pick up their race packets quickly and efficiently without hours waiting in line only to learn they then have to move to another line in a different part of the building! ? limit number of people that come in with each runner ? the suggestions are endless on how Disneyland could have handled the most recent Expo in a much more efficient manner. I actually spoke to a runDisney representative at one point that told me ?we never expected this number of people and aren?t prepared to handle it? ? are you kidding me???? They know how many people are registered for the races ? and that most are not there alone ? why would you be unprepared for that number of people?

And, I ask you this ? what the heck does people pushing and shoving to buy merchandise have to do with Health and Fitness ? the name of each runDisney pre-race Expo ? Health and Fitness Expo? I guess if you come out in one piece you are considered healthy and you get a good physical fitness work out fighting through the crowd! Let?s call them what they are folks ? I have been to two ? yes, there are a few great booths for the health conscientious and yes there are a few seminars for runners ? but basically they are a place for people to spend money ? lots of money!

2013-08-29 21.56.52

Here is how our morning went on Expo day:

Now 2.5 hours into the process, we still had to pick up race packets on the opposite end of the room. It took 30 minutes to snake our way through the crowds to ? guess what ? more lines to pick up bibs. These lines moved fairly quickly, however, we then had to move outside into another line that snaked into the basement of the Disneyland Hotel to pick up packets. After what seemed like an eternity we made our way into the basement and were confronted by even more lines based on bib number. After about another 30 minutes the group decided we would try to come back later for packets hoping the crowds would die down. We didn?t feel this was a problem since the Expo would be opened all day. Well, another surprise ? they would not allow us to leave unless we picked up the packets. We were told it?s now or never! Are you kidding me? They actually held us hostage and refused to let us leave telling us that if the packets were not picked up now ? we would not be able to get them. So, again we wait in line only to be told that once done here, we now needed to go pack upstairs to claim the remaining piece of the runner packet puzzle ? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????

At this point I tell my daughter and friend that I refuse to go through the process of waiting in another line ? I?m going to sit at a table outside of Goofy?s Kitchen ? come find me when you are done! I buy a cup of coffee, have a 20 minute phone conversation with my husband, chat with people at other tables and an hour later ? here they come ? finally done! It is now 12:30 ? just over 4 hour process to just get their necessary race items ? would we have liked to shop for more race merchandise ? absolutely ? but impossible!

2013-08-29 20.26.01So, we all now know that based on this last experience, I will never go to another pre-race runDisney Expo! If for no other reason than to leave at least one space free for those that have to be there and deserve to be there. We also know that Disneyland can take some serious lessons from Walt Disney World when it comes to the organization and efficient running of the Expo ? perhaps using the Anaheim Convention Center DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET would be the first step to having enough room to handle the number of runners. Perhaps limiting the number of non-running people that come to the Expo with a runner would also be a good idea ? perhaps setting a limit on the number of items purchased so that everyone that has stood in line for hours has the same opportunity to purchase a momento would be a good idea! Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps ? the suggestions are endless ? perhaps (hopefully!) Disneyland will learn from this experience! Not sure why I felt over-whelmed at the Expo for the Princess Half Marathon in February ? compared to my last experience in Disneyland ? it was a piece of cake!

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Bloody teen fight over sexting won't help Snapchat's reputation

Social media

Sep. 16, 2013 at 4:06 PM ET



Snapchat would love to rehab its bad reputation as a self-destructing sexting app for teens, but it just can't catch a break.?

Just last Monday, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel told the San Francisco audience at the TechCrunch disrupt conference that his mobile messaging app ? which destroys sent photos and texts after just 10 seconds ? is "not a good way to send inappropriate photos." On that same day, police in Fargo, N.D., executed a search warrant on a 13-year-old girl's phone, following a fight between her 15-year-old brother and another boy, also 15, who sent her Snapchat photos of his genitals, North Dakota news site Inforum reports.?

It's not clear what cops hope to find, given the intended short lives of Snapchat messages, and the records aren't public because everyone involved is a minor. But the boy allegedly behind the junkshot selfies claimed he sent the pics as part of a consensual exchange of pics with the girl, who denied she sent any nude photos of herself at all.??

It's not the first, or even the worst, story of teens, apps and sexting ? Snapchat or otherwise ? and it isn't the last. Snapchat, however, gets a lot of attention from parenting groups these days, given its early reputation as the "safe sexting app" for its chief audience of 13- to 23-year-olds, and stories of how easy it is to "save" these allegedly temporary photos ? via screen shots or other simple methods of data retrieval. "Snapchat?s main feature may be implying a false sense of security," noted parenting site Your Sphere in a post titled "Snapchat makes sexting easy." ?

The ongoing news stories don't help. In the case in Fargo, the fight between the two 15-year-old boys olds resulted after the brother saw the explicit Snapchat photo sent to his sister, Inforum reports. "The police say in court filings that the older brother saw the [genitals] photo the boy shared with his sister," said Inforum. In response, big brother invited the other boy (via Snapchat) to meet him and sis at local convenience store, Kum & Go, "to talk about the situation."

Talking, however, is not what brought the police, who arrived to find the brother "with 'a significant amount' of blood on the left side of his face coming from a cut on his eyebrow, with dried blood around his nose and down his face."

Everyone involved in the report are teens, but last April, a 32-year-old Oregon City high school teacher reportedly sent a Snapchat pic of his (fully clothed) crotch to a 16-year-old student ? who had previously sent him photos of herself in her underwear, the Oregonian reports. Police learned of the exchanges after the student's friend reported the images to her parents. Despite Snapchat expiration, "It's hard to keep secrets around teens," Clackamas County prosecutor Bryan Brock told the Oregonian.

According to an FBI warning, pedophiles encourage young people to use Snapchat to send nude photos of themselves, with the promise these images will disappear.?

Adults fall victim to unsolicited sexts as well. Ohio resident Molly French received lewd photos from an anonymous sender, reported in August.?She was unable to share the evidence with police, however, because the photos disappeared.??

Connect Safely, an online safety organization, notes that while Snapchat is "often referred to as 'the sexting app,' there?s no research showing that?s true and plenty of anecdotal evidence that it isn?t the focus for teens, but ? like any media-sharing service ? Snapchat can be used for sexting and harassment. It can be particularly hurtful if that happens, because Snapchat is typically used among friends (or at least people who have each other?s username or phone numbers)."

As Snapchat CEO Spiegel said at TechCrunch Disrupt, "We don't want to be a place for people to share mean secrets."?

Given that many kids are now equipped with what sex advice columnist Dan Savage calls "pocket porn studios," (you know, smartphones), it's disingenuous of Snapchat to claim it's not a sexting-friendly app, even if it doesn't encourage that behavior. Not that Snapchat, or any other form of technology, is the cause of what hormonal kids do; it's just the delivery system. But the app's creators, like parents, need to admit this happens and deal with it.?

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah abut the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on?Twitter?and/or?Facebook.


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'Breaking Bad' didn't script baby saying 'mama'


11 hours ago

?Breaking Bad? cut deeply Sunday: The show lost a hero. (RIP, ASAC Hank Schrader). A fan favorite was tortured. Viewers witnessed the heartbreak of a shocked son, and were torn up by a baby girl?s first words, fear and tears. An evil empire crumbled, once and for all, and a family was completely destroyed.

So many feelings. To help calm the internal chaos, ?Breaking Bad? co-executive producer Moira Walley-Beckett, who wrote Sunday night?s episode, ?Ozymandias? (named after the 1818 Percy Bysshe Shelley sonnet about the mighty who have fallen), talked to TODAY about the show's events.?

To begin, she had a cameo at the car wash in the episode, which led to one of the few moments of levity on set during filming of this episode.?

"There were all sorts of hilarious pitches on who I should be. I wanted to be a meth whore. They had to dial me back. I was just a patron," she revealed. "But there?s a little-known fact where Bryan and I punk?d the crew and we had a whole comedy sketch worked out. The unseen footage is that I have a nervous breakdown while I?m shooting because I?m so stressed being in front of the camera. And Bryan has to keep coaching me. And I bump into Anna [Gunn] during my exit and she drops her phone. And I have this pill bottle in my purse that I put Altoids in and finally Bryan out of fake frustration comes stomping onto set and pulls the bottle out and shakes all the pills onto his hand and I eat them out his hand just in chewing mad, rabid desperation. All this while the camera is rolling. There?s a whole gag reel. At first the crew was horrified?gosh, Moira?s falling apart? Can she really not take the token and leave? They put it together when I chewed pills out of Bryan?s hand like a dog. We enjoyed ourselves that day."?

The following is an edited and condensed version of the interview:

Q: How does it feel to know that you kept America from sleeping?

A: I?m a little shaky myself from (Sunday) night?s episode. Twitter?s gone mad. People have heart problems and insomnia and asking me to pay for their therapy bills. Pretty fantastic response, actually. I was going for painful. Rian Johnson ("Looper"), who I adore and respect enormously, invited me to do the director?s cut with him in the edit bay. So I got to be involved in an unprecedented way all the way to the final mix. But then watching it (Sunday) night with a group of friends who are big fans and hearing the intakes of breath and the exclamations and the heartbreak. I got to live it all over again, like it was brand new for me. That?s why I?m so emotionally hung over today. It was incredible.

Why did the writers decide to show Walter White on the run in the future? We know going into the desert showdown that he will survive.

It makes a pretty exciting promise for things that we can?t even begin to piece together when you see him and he?s turning 52 and he?s putting bacon on his eggs at a diner and he?s got a beard and he?s clearly really sick. And he?s buying an M60. It makes a big and exciting promise for what the end of the series could be. How do we get to that flash forward? That?s the question we wanted people to be asking.

Was Hank's death a topic of debate? Did you consider Walt killing him directly?

There was a lot of conversation about it. We knew he would die but it was a question of where it was going to fall in the final eight. However, it was never a question of how he would die in terms of dignity and honor. We knew we wanted Hank to get to go out like a man and then we figured it out from there. We considered a lot of options. I mean, we never saw Baby Holly with a gun but we considered a lot of options. It was a pretty massive, intense conversation breaking these final episodes. And trying to make it as satisfying and organic and true and unexpected as possible.

Walt had two moments of kindness in the episode. He was willing to give up his $80 million to save Hank and he deliberately exonerated Skyler in the telephone conversation. Are you setting us up to be on his side again?

Well, the moral ambiguity is a cornerstone of the series. We?ve always tried to legitimately confound expectations and put people in the moral position of rooting for somebody who?s become a cancer to himself and everyone around them. There will always be room for discussion about what vestiges of Walter White remain within Heisenberg and vice-versa.

That phone call! Bryan Cranston was amazing!

He was amazing! And it was amazing to be there watching him do that phone call. It was a highlight of my whole "Breaking Bad" experience ? getting to watch that portion of Bryan?s performance. What?s really super cool about our actors, they are such consummate pros and they love each other so much that Bryan was on set for Anna?s portion of the call on the day that we shot that. And Anna came to the location and was on the phone with Bryan for his portion of it. So they were in the moment, for sure.

You mentioned Baby Holly. She broke a lot of hearts and there's a campaign to get the actress nominated for an Emmy next year. We heard her first words, we saw her fear. How did you get her to do that?

You never know what you?re going to get with a tiny little person because beautiful little actresses of their age don?t really know what?s happening. And we have two baby Hollys and their moms are always right there. There are enormous restrictions when working with children that are appropriate in terms of you only get them for 20 minute increments. This is really emotional stuff. We really just kind of got lucky that the baby Hollys were giving us what we needed within a scene. Certainly, seeing Skyler pounding on the window of a pickup truck was really scary. But in the restroom scene with Bryan, her mommy was just three feet away. And I didn?t script the baby saying ?Mama.? I scripted that Walter would come to it himself as he stood Baby Holly up and looked in her face and realized he was doing the wrong thing by her. And then, when he stood her up, and she looked over his shoulder at her 'Mama' and started asking for her, Bryan the consummate actor rolled with it. We just got some movie magic. It was just incredible. It was more than I could have hoped for ? it was like the moment that I wrote on meth.

What are your favorite moments from the episode?

Jesse?s (Aaron Paul) reaction when Walt says, ?I watched Jane die.? At first, you think it?s an apology and you see Jesse?s little death in that moment. When Skyler says, ?Enough. Don?t say one more word,? I get chills about that. I feel honored to pen that moment. Bryan?s great performance during the great phone call where he?s saying one thing and feeling another. I got so lucky that this was my final episode of "Breaking Bad." It?s a very, very special episode to me.

What can we anticipate for the ending?

I can say you?re going to have more uncomfortable nights on your sofa. I can say that.


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Friday, September 13, 2013

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rob Ford offered 14 chances to comment on crack story, Toronto Star tells press council

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Mayor Rob Ford did not attend an Ontario Press Council hearing Monday morning on the Toronto Star?s coverage of the crack cocaine video scandal.

The Star defended its reporting in the story published May 16 about a cellphone video that shows Rob Ford appearing to smoke crack cocaine and make homophobic and racist remarks.

The press council is not tasked with determining the truth of the news report ? only whether established journalistic standards were followed ? but Star editor Michael Cooke, in his opening remarks to the panel, defended the story?s accuracy.

?I tell you now, with great emphasis, that that story is true ? every word of it,? Cooke told the panel of three press council members.

The mayor was invited to file complaints with the press council so he could participate in the proceedings, but chose not to. The hearing would have been an opportunity for him to comprehensively refute the allegations in a public forum.

Following complaints by 41 readers ? at least 30 of them anonymous ? the press council announced last month that it would hold public hearings on the Star story and a report in the Globe and Mail that alleging that Councillor Doug Ford, the mayor?s brother, dealt hashish as a young man. The Globe hearing is set to get underway at 1 p.m.

The mayor has not addressed the allegations in the Star story in detail. ?I do not use crack cocaine, nor am I an addict of crack cocaine,? he said in a news conference a week after the story broke.

Darylle Donely, a member of the public, complained to the press council about the Ford crack story.

?The Ford brothers are being lied about, innuendos and allegations are being made against them. The news should be concrete and proven truth,? she wrote.

Donely also speculated on whether the drug dealer sources in the Star story were ?two real people? and, if so, whether they would have been ?capable of creative videography.?

Investigations editor and reporter Kevin Donovan defended his and Robyn Doolittle?s reporting methods on the story, citing numerous attempts at contacting the mayor for a response.

?We went to a lot of trouble to make sure (the mayor) knew exactly what we were asking,? Donovan said.

Asked by a panel of press council members about whether he was ever concerned that the video could be a fake, Donovan acknowledged that thought was on his mind until the night he and Doolittle saw the video.

My concern that it was fake vanished,? he said. ?It was clearly real.

With files from Laura Kane

Submissions to Ontario Press Council hearing


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