Saturday, September 29, 2012

Investing In The Philippines: Escape The U.S. With A Low-Debt, Low ...

Money Morning Staff:?Along with its various countries and economies, the Asian investment thesis has certainly evolved over the years.?

Those born in the 1960s and 1970s surely remember the 1980s when Japan?s economy rose to global prominence, showing the world that at least at that time, Japan truly was the land of the rising sun.

The Asian financial crisis struck in the late 1990s, but that even only temporarily chased Western investors away from the continent. Caution would give way to ebullience earlier this century as investors became enamored by the Chinese and Indian growth stories.

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Flush with statistics about that pair representing two of the fastest growing economies in the world and that one or both would one day pass the U.S. in terms of economic heft, investors were once again seduced by Asian opportunities.

Renewed appetite for Asian exposure coincided with another boom, that of the exchange-traded fund (ETF) industry. As the Chinese and Indian economies became juggernauts, ETF sponsors have met investor demand for exposure to these countries coming up with everything from ETFs focused on Chinese technology companies to Indian small-caps.

ETF issuers did not stop there. As investors clamored for ways to access other Asian markets, ETF sponsors obliged.

In other words, the Chinese and Indian growth stories gave way to the burgeoning economies of Indonesia, Thailand and others. Since the March 2009 market bottom, the iShares MSCI Thailand Investable Market Index Fund (NYSEARCA:THD) and the Market Vectors Indonesia ETF (NYSEARCA:IDX) have been two of the best performing ETFs of any kind.

Those funds are still performing well, but a case can be made there is a new sheriff on the Asian investment block.

Investing in Philippines

EPHE: More to the Story?The Philippines, a Southeast Asian nation comprised of thousands of islands, is not completely unknown to Western investors, but the economy there is smaller comparable nations such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

A fair assessment might be to say the country is just starting to shed its under-the-radar status.

That much is proven by the iShares MSCI Philippines Investable Market Index Fund (NYSEARCA:EPHE), almost certainly the best way for U.S. investors to tap into the Philippine investment thesis without incurring unnecessary single stock risk.

Actually, there are not many Philippine American depositary receipts available, so EPHE is the best way to access the Philippines. Period.

EPHE debuted two years ago and now has over $101 million in assets under management, a sum that indicates investors have at least been intrigued by what the Philippines has to offer.

Those investors have not been disappointed.

EPHE is up 28.5% year-to-date, making it one of the best funds tracking?any?individual country in?any?region of the world.

EPHE?s performance does not paint the entire picture about the Philippine economy.

Arguably, when the various statistics are weighed together, one might wonder why the ETF has not performed even better and why allegedly smart economists and institutional investors are not embracing the Philippines to a larger extent.

Inflation is benign in the Philippines. That is something India cannot say.

Even Thailand has struggled with rising prices at various points in recent years. The Philippines could notch GDP growth of 6% this year and the country is well on its way to meeting or exceeding that number after posting growth of 6.1% in the first half of the year.

Then there is a fact about the Philippines that would make many Americans and Europeans gasp in disbelief: The country could be debt-free in a few years.

Currently sitting on a debt-to-GDP ratio of 50%, one the U.S., Japan and the Eurozone would die for, government spending is less than 19% of GDP.

Buoyed by $76 billion in international reserves, the Philippines? external balance sheet is nothing short of impressive. Standard & Poor?s, the ratings agency that is notoriously slow on the uptake, still has a junk?credit?rating on the Philippines, though it is BB+, the highest non-investment grade rating. S&P upgraded the Philippines in July and the country?s BB+ rating is its highest since 2003.

Adding to the bull case for the Philippines is a favorable slate of country rankings. Data from the Heritage Foundation indicate that when metrics such as economic freedom, freedom from corruption, land freedom and related metrics are combined, the Philippines scores better than other Southeast Asian economies such as Indonesia and Vietnam. The Philippines also tops Greece,?China, India and Russia.

Note to investors: One or two nice statistics here or there do not mean any country?s investment thesis is perfect, the Philippines included, so don?t throw all your money into EPHE.

The country has strides to make on the corruption front, corporate legal reform is essential and the country?s rate of poverty is high, even for a developing nation. Those factors should not be ignored, but the totality of the Philippines economic story indicates its (EPHE?s) best chapters have yet to be written.

Written By The Money Morning Staff

We?re in the midst of the greatest investing boom in almost 60 years. And rest assured ? this boom is not about to end anytime soon. You see, the flattening of the world continues to spawn new markets worth trillions of dollars; new customers that measure in the billions; an insatiable global demand for basic resources that?s growing exponentially; and a technological revolution even in the most distant markets on the planet.And Money Morning is here to help investors profit handsomely on this seismic shift in the global economy. In fact, we believe this is where the only real fortunes will be made in the months and years to come.



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Composite Fiber Pogo Stick Inspires a Whole New Generation to Break Their Necks [Toys]

Like the hoop and stick or the ball and cup, the pogo stick is another children's toy that just hasn't been able to compete with video games and other electronic distractions. But you know what's sure to get kids bouncing again? A pogo stick with a composite fiber bow spring capable of launching them up to four feet into the air. More »


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Oak Bedroom Furniture ? Great Home Improvement Ideas | EzinePR

Oak bedroom furniture is some of the most popular on earth because of the wood?s innate longevity and color versatility. Oak furniture for almost any room will last years, and it can come in virtually any range of colors depending on the finish that is used. Because of these two factors, properties worldwide have at least one piece of furniture made of pine somewhere in their house, whether they know it you aren?t.

While oak bedroom furniture is able to withstand test of time and it is one of the most common and common, it is not the most expensive. Probably the most expensive wood varieties that is often reconstructed as furniture is cherry, which is perhaps stronger than walnut. Cherry is naturally deep in color, and is the hardest wooden available for home furnishings. Community . is stronger as well as considered to be more ?luxurious? as compared to oak, oak continues to be preferred choice for numerous households because it is much more affordable and will final around the same amount of moment.

Dressers and chests of drawers are routine bedroom furnishings, and therefore they can be commonly present in oak. There is no limit about how many styles you?ll find, because different companies make them in different ways. Regardless of who makes them another thing remains the same: the standard of the furniture itself. The caliber of the furniture is almost constantly directly related to the company?s wood, though a skilled craftsman will make a huge impact on the design along with the style of the finished product.

Not everyone needs a chest of drawers or a chest of drawers within their bedroom, but the good news is there are other types of pine bedroom furniture out there to think about for your Home Improvement Ideas. End furniture or nightstands are both frequent furnishings for the master bedroom, as are foot along with headboards for the sleep. All three of these are easy to discover, though headboards etc can be difficult to choose since the styles can vary greatly. Choosing the perfect one may take several visits to varying furniture retailers or woodworking specialty retailers.

Anyone intending to purchase several oak pieces for their bedroom must be careful to match these up color-wise. Because pine is a very light wood by nature, it can be purchased in a whole array of shades of finish as well as laquer. Matching up parts from separate models is no easy process, as different companies often use different colorings. It may be much better to purchase a set when compared with separate pieces of pine bedroom furniture. Whichever route is chosen to acquire, the end result will be a radiant and attractive room with furniture that can last for decades, maybe even decades, to come.

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Greek coalition has 'basic agreement' on austerity

ATHENS, Greece (AP) ? After weeks of fruitless efforts, the heads of the three parties in Greece's governing coalition have struck a basic deal on a new round of harsh austerity measures required for the country to continue getting vital rescue loans, officials said Thursday.

Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras said the long-delayed agreement placed him in a stronger negotiating position ahead of talks Monday with representatives of the country's bailout creditors, who will have the final word on the cutbacks.

He said Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' deliberations with the heads of his two junior coalition partners resulted in "a basic agreement" on the measures intended to ax some ?11.5 billion ($14.8 billion) off state spending in 2013-14.

Under its bailout commitments, Athens must also boost state revenues by an additional ?2 billion over the next two years through tax reform and improved tax collection.

The three-party meeting came a day after more than 50,000 anti-austerity protesters took to the streets of Athens, in a demonstration marred by clashes between hooded anarchist youths and riot police.

Greece has relied on international bailouts since May 2010. In return, it imposed a punishing austerity program, repeatedly slashing incomes, hiking taxes and raising retirement ages. The new measures are expected to include further pension and salary cuts, and raising the age of retirement from 65 to 67.

Approval from European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank officials monitoring the country's three-year effort to right its finances will allow the disbursement of ?31 billion, expected after mid-October.

With that money, whose payment was delayed for months after two successive national elections in May and June, Greece will complete the recapitalization of its battered banking system and pay off long-outstanding debts to domestic suppliers.

Without the cash, the country would have trouble paying its bails. That could force Greece to default on its debts and, possibly, ditch the euro.

The conservative-led coalition has been debating the new cutbacks for about two months, but a deal was delayed by opposition from the two center-left junior partners ? coupled with disagreements with EU, IMF and ECB austerity inspectors.

Fotis Kouvelis, head of the small Democratic Left party, said after Thursday's two-and-a-half hour talks that, despite the overall agreement, "some issues are still outstanding."

And Socialist PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos said he would "struggle to the end to ensure that these measures are not across the board and are fair ... and that they are truly the last," as Samaras has pledged.


Elena Becatoros in Athens also contributed to this article.


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Huge Sumatran quakes in April a step in tectonic plate breakup

Planet Earth may be 4.5 billion years old, but that doesn't mean she can't serve up a shattering surprise now and again.

Such was the case on April 11 of this year when two massive earthquakes erupted beneath the Indian Ocean, far from the usual danger zones. Now scientists say the seafloor ruptures are part of a long suspected, yet never before observed, event: the slow-motion splitting of a vast tectonic plate.

The first of the quakes, a magnitude 8.7, was 20 times more powerful than California's long anticipated "big one" and tore a complex network of faults deep in the ocean floor. The violence also triggered unusually large aftershocks thousands of miles away, including four off North America's western coast.

"It was jaw-dropping," said Thorn Lay, a professor of Earth and planetary sciences at UC Santa Cruz. "It was like nothing we'd ever seen."

At first, Lay wondered whether the computer code he used to analyze earthquakes was wrong. Eventually, he and other scientists realized that they had documented the break-up of the Indo-Australian plate into two pieces, an epic process that began roughly 50 million years ago and will continue for tens of millions more. Lay and other scientists reported their findings online Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Most great earthquakes occur along plate borders, where one plate dives beneath the adjoining plate and sinks deep into Earth's mantle, a process called subduction. The April 11 quakes, however, occurred in the middle of the plate and involved a number strike-slip faults, meaning the ground on one side of the fault moves horizontally past ground on the other side.

Scientists say the 8.7 main shock broke four faults. The quake lasted 2 minutes and 40 seconds ? most last just seconds ? and was followed by a second 8.2 main shock two hours later.

Unlike the magnitude 9.1 temblor that struck in the same region on Dec. 26, 2004, and created a deadly tsunami, the April 11 quake did not cause similar destruction. That's because horizontally moving strike-slip faults do not induce the massive, vertical displacement of water that thrust faults do on the borders of plates.

The type of interplate faults involved in the Sumatran quakes are the result of monumental forces, some of which drove the continent of India into Asia millions of years ago and lifted the Himalayan Mountains. As the Indo-Australian plate continues to slide northwest, the western portion of the plate, where India is, has been grinding against and underneath Asia. But the eastern portion of the plate, which contains Australia, keeps on moving without the same obstruction. That difference creates squeezing pressure in the area where the quakes occurred.

The study authors say that over time, as more quakes occur and new ruptures appear, the cracks will eventually coalesce into a single fissure.

"This is part of the messy business of breaking up a plate," said University of Utah seismologist Keith Koper, senior author of one of the studies. "Most likely it will take thousands of similar large quakes for that to happen."

The quake was also notable for triggering powerful aftershocks thousands of miles away. While major quakes have been known to trigger aftershocks at great distance, they are usually less than 5.5 in magnitude. The April earthquake triggered 11 aftershocks that measured 5.5 or greater in the six days that followed the main shock, including one as big as magnitude 7. Remote shocks were felt 6,000 to 12,000 miles from the main quake.

Fred Pollitz, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., and lead author of one of the studies, said the quake was extremely effective in transmitting seismic wave radiation around the world. Though the magnitude of the Sumatran quake is No. 10 on the list of historic quakes, Pollitz said no other quake has triggered so many strong aftershocks so far away.

"It's the most powerful earthquake ever in terms of capability of putting stress on other fault zones around the world," he said.

Pollitz said the quake is likely to teach seismologists about the physics of earthquakes, particularly those along strike-slip faults. That knowledge, he said, would certainly apply to the San Andreas fault, which is also a strike-slip fault.

Lay said that the quake was most surprising in that it was completely unanticipated by seismologists and that he did not expect to event to repeat itself any time soon.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012 will speak and sponsor Eastern European Internet Dating

New York, NY--Ticonderoga Ventures, Inc. announces that, branch company and the biggest dating webmasters forum, will present at the 2nd Eastern European Internet Dating Conference ( ) taking place on October 25-26, 2012 in Radisson Blue Belorusskaya Hotel in Moscow, Russia.

Roman Bondarev, Marketing director of forum and of dating banner exchange network, will cover marketing tips for Eastern European dating sites and the peculiarities of international dating sites promotion.

The Moscow iDate 2012 conference will cover the questions of affiliate marketing and management, mobile dating, online payments dating projects' promotion in Russia and Eastern Europe. Each session and networking break gathers top management and CEOs in online dating industry, which constitutes 60% of the whole conference attendance.

Since 2004, iDate has been organizing niche European business conferences for online dating industry executives. This year iDate is in Moscow for the 2nd time. As the biggest number of dating agencies is in Russia and Eastern Europe, is also sponsoring this important business event in media and forums. The iDate Moscow conference will allow such agencies and dating sites meet face-to-face with dating software developers and top marketers.

The iDate conference also coincides with the Russian Social Discovery Conference, also taking place in Moscow on the same days.? Those that register to one event are able to attend both. Registration can be made at

About and is the biggest forum for online dating webmasters and dating site owners. In 2007 became a part of Romance-net, and allows exchanging dating industry news and ideas for everyone in internet dating business. ( ) has been providing banner advertising for international dating market since 2003. It's the biggest and the most popular online dating banner advertising platforms in the industry. ( ) is the biggest forum for the Russian-speaking community of affiliates and webmasters of online dating networks, which also includes the most prominent dating software developers and dating site owners.

About iDate ? The first and biggest Online Dating Industry Conference:
iDate ( ) is the worldwide leading trade show and expo for the dating industry that attracts CEOs and senior executives from the major dating companies.? The event covers online dating, social dating, speed dating, matchmaking, mobile dating, software and other forms of the business.
In over 30 international events for nearly a decade, iDate Dating Industry Conferences provide senior dating and matchmaking industry executives' education, ideas, insight and networking to identify new opportunities, gain higher levels of traffic and revenue.
For more information, please visit the website or contact:
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Men on the mind: Study finds male DNA in women's brains

Men on the mind: Study finds male DNA in women's brains [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Sep-2012
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Contact: Dean Forbes
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

SEATTLE Male DNA is commonly found in the brains of women, most likely derived from prior pregnancy with a male fetus, according to first-of-its-kind research conducted at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. While the medical implications of male DNA and male cells in the brain are unknown, studies of other kinds of microchimerism the harboring of genetic material and cells that were exchanged between fetus and mother during pregnancy have linked the phenomenon to autoimmune diseases and cancer, sometimes for better and other times for worse.

The study findings are published Sept. 26 in PLOS ONE. Lead author William F. N. Chan, Ph.D., in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Alberta, conducted the research while working in the Hutchinson Center laboratory of J. Lee Nelson, M.D., a member of the Center's Clinical Research Division and a leading international authority on microchimerism. Nelson is senior author on the paper.

Chan said the study is the first description of male microchimerism in the female human brain. The findings support the likelihood that fetal cells frequently cross the human blood-brain barrier and that microchimerism in the brain is relatively common. Until this study, it was not known whether these cells could cross the barrier in humans.

For this research, scientists examined brain autopsy specimens from 59 women who had died between the ages of 32 and 101. Male microchimerism was detected in 63 percent of subjects, was distributed in multiple brain regions and was potentially persistent throughout the human lifespan; the oldest female in whom male fetal DNA was detected in the brain was 94.

Twenty six of the women had no neurological disease and 33 had Alzheimer's disease. The brains of women with Alzheimer's had a somewhat lower prevalence of male microchimerism, which appeared in lower concentrations in regions of the brain most affected by the disease. However, the authors noted that the small number of subjects and largely unknown pregnancy history of the women means a link between Alzheimer's disease and level of male cells of fetal origin cannot be established.

The study also does not provide an association between male microchimerism in the female brain and relative health versus disease. "Currently, the biological significance of harboring male DNA and male cells in the human brain requires further investigation," Chan said.

However, other Hutchinson Center studies of male microchimerism in women have found it to impact a woman's risk of developing some types of cancer and autoimmune disease. In some conditions, such as breast cancer, cells of fetal origin are thought to confer protection; in others, such as colon cancer, they have been associated with increased risk. Hutchinson Center studies also have linked lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis to women who previously had given birth at least once as compared to nulliparous women.


Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research funded the study, which also involved researchers from the Department of Pathology and Division of Rheumatology at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Editor's note: To obtain a copy of the PLOS ONE paper, "Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain," please contact Dean Forbes in media relations at the Hutchinson Center, or 206-667-2896.

At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center interdisciplinary teams of world-renowned scientists including three Nobel laureates seek new and innovative ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases. The Hutchinson Center's pioneering work in bone marrow transplantation led to the development of immunotherapy, which harnesses the power of the immune system to treat cancer with minimal side effects. An independent, nonprofit research institute based in Seattle, the Hutchinson Center houses the nation's first and largest cancer prevention research program, as well as the clinical coordinating center of the Women's Health Initiative and the international headquarters of the HIV Vaccine Trials Network. Private contributions are essential for enabling Hutchinson Center scientists to explore novel research opportunities that lead to important medical breakthroughs. For more information visit or follow the Hutchinson Center on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

Dean Forbes

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Men on the mind: Study finds male DNA in women's brains [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Sep-2012
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Contact: Dean Forbes
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

SEATTLE Male DNA is commonly found in the brains of women, most likely derived from prior pregnancy with a male fetus, according to first-of-its-kind research conducted at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. While the medical implications of male DNA and male cells in the brain are unknown, studies of other kinds of microchimerism the harboring of genetic material and cells that were exchanged between fetus and mother during pregnancy have linked the phenomenon to autoimmune diseases and cancer, sometimes for better and other times for worse.

The study findings are published Sept. 26 in PLOS ONE. Lead author William F. N. Chan, Ph.D., in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Alberta, conducted the research while working in the Hutchinson Center laboratory of J. Lee Nelson, M.D., a member of the Center's Clinical Research Division and a leading international authority on microchimerism. Nelson is senior author on the paper.

Chan said the study is the first description of male microchimerism in the female human brain. The findings support the likelihood that fetal cells frequently cross the human blood-brain barrier and that microchimerism in the brain is relatively common. Until this study, it was not known whether these cells could cross the barrier in humans.

For this research, scientists examined brain autopsy specimens from 59 women who had died between the ages of 32 and 101. Male microchimerism was detected in 63 percent of subjects, was distributed in multiple brain regions and was potentially persistent throughout the human lifespan; the oldest female in whom male fetal DNA was detected in the brain was 94.

Twenty six of the women had no neurological disease and 33 had Alzheimer's disease. The brains of women with Alzheimer's had a somewhat lower prevalence of male microchimerism, which appeared in lower concentrations in regions of the brain most affected by the disease. However, the authors noted that the small number of subjects and largely unknown pregnancy history of the women means a link between Alzheimer's disease and level of male cells of fetal origin cannot be established.

The study also does not provide an association between male microchimerism in the female brain and relative health versus disease. "Currently, the biological significance of harboring male DNA and male cells in the human brain requires further investigation," Chan said.

However, other Hutchinson Center studies of male microchimerism in women have found it to impact a woman's risk of developing some types of cancer and autoimmune disease. In some conditions, such as breast cancer, cells of fetal origin are thought to confer protection; in others, such as colon cancer, they have been associated with increased risk. Hutchinson Center studies also have linked lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis to women who previously had given birth at least once as compared to nulliparous women.


Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research funded the study, which also involved researchers from the Department of Pathology and Division of Rheumatology at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Editor's note: To obtain a copy of the PLOS ONE paper, "Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain," please contact Dean Forbes in media relations at the Hutchinson Center, or 206-667-2896.

At Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center interdisciplinary teams of world-renowned scientists including three Nobel laureates seek new and innovative ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases. The Hutchinson Center's pioneering work in bone marrow transplantation led to the development of immunotherapy, which harnesses the power of the immune system to treat cancer with minimal side effects. An independent, nonprofit research institute based in Seattle, the Hutchinson Center houses the nation's first and largest cancer prevention research program, as well as the clinical coordinating center of the Women's Health Initiative and the international headquarters of the HIV Vaccine Trials Network. Private contributions are essential for enabling Hutchinson Center scientists to explore novel research opportunities that lead to important medical breakthroughs. For more information visit or follow the Hutchinson Center on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

Dean Forbes

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Q & A's and just all around good info to know

Stand By Me: a role play based on life

Stand by me is a interactive role play in which the characters create the plot. They start of a children and over time create bonds,have adventures, and discover themselves through one another.


Game Masters:

Topic Tags:

Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Will add more as question are asked.
Thanks to lovechanningforever for giving me the idea for this)
What is the plot?
Stand By Me: a role play based on life has no plot, per say. It is an interactive role play in which the characters create the problems, solutions, relationships, and overall story line. Our characters are basically living life, and something like that just isn't matter how hard we try to make it.

How should i make my character?
For now only show your character as a CHILD. Younger than a teenager, but old enough to talk and think for themselves. We will add to our profiles as our characters grow and change.

Where does this role play take place?
In a small town in the US. Where exactly? Well, that's for us to decide in the OOC before we get things started!

Will this be limited?
As much as it pains me to do so, yes, this role play will have a limit on players accepted. Although you can create however many characters you are able to handle, I just can't have too many different thoughts and ideas going into this. I have to ensure my dedicated role players are receiving the attention and responses they deserve.

I will allow a maximum of seven role players at this time.

How will you accept players?
This is the most important process, and yes, I can be picky when selecting. I will choose my role players on the bases of four categories:
Literacy. I can not stress this enough. I am extremely tired of reading short and choppy sentences. Not everyone can write five-eight paragraph responses, and that is perfectly fine, but I promise you, it is possible to write an amazing post with a minimal of three paragraphs if you know how.

* Commitment. It doesn't matter how many role players I have, everyone plays an important part. I beg you, if you join this role play, stick it out through the end...or at least tell us if you will no longer participate.

And yes, I will be looking to see if you are active in the OOC

*Willingness to come up with ideas of your own within reason. Do not play your character(s) off of another. Be creative.

*Imagination. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Also, I placed something really important in the introduction section that MUST be present on your profile to be accepted. Without that, you are wasting my time.

Lastly, incomplete profiles that are submitted will not be accepted...there will be no exceptions.

Will there be limits to what can happen?
Of course. Your character can not be the center of attention at all time, nor can they be "perfect". This is life, let's keep things realistic. I know bad things happen, but please do not make your character a sob story.

Is romance a factor in this role play?
I'm sure romances will work their way into a plot, but once again keep it realistic. I urge dating among the group, as well as outsiders. There is no "forever" from childhood til death, at least not in this role play.

They will be break ups, betrayal, love triangles...or squares, and anything else you can think of. Do not have a fit if your "love interest" moves on to another sometimes or just ends things. THIS IS ABOUT LIFE and it does happen

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New Orleans Gets a Skate Park | News | Gambit New Orleans News ...

In March, rapper Lil Wayne, Hollygrove's favorite son, partnered with Mountain Dew for a multimillion dollar ad campaign cleverly dubbed "DEWeezy," combining the rapper's nickname with that of the astro-green Pepsi drink. It was Weezy's first major endorsement deal, a deal with a company that shares a common interest in skateboarding ? Mountain Dew has been the token "x-treme" beverage marketed in "x-treme" sports, and Wayne has expressed an interest in skate culture (not including the lyrical references "skinny pants and some Vans"). The deal links Wayne with professional skateboarders Paul Rodriguez and Theotis Beasley, and this week, the campaign will cut the ribbon on a new skate park in the Lower 9th Ward.

??New Orleans' skate culture is thriving ? from skate shops and DIY skate spots to the city's famously flat terrain and creative street design, not to mention the all-ages skateboarders in neighborhoods citywide. A free and open-to-the-public skate spot is a necessary, obvious and overdue addition. Although the DEWeezy Project skate park is one of the first "official" parks in city limits, it won't be the last.

City ordinances make it clear that skateboarding is not just another form of transportation in New Orleans: "No person upon roller skates or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device or hand-propelled vehicle shall go upon any roadway except while crossing a street on a crosswalk and when so crossing such person shall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to pedestrians."

??That hasn't stopped skateboarders from reclaiming the cityscape. In 2010, skating advocates built the Peach Orchard, a guerrilla skate park in Gentilly near the Interstate 610 overpass and the railroad tracks at Paris Avenue and Pleasure Street. Dozens of skateboarders from across the metro area descended upon sturdy concrete quarter-pipes, skateboard-friendly wooden structures and tables and ramps ? a completely not-for-profit, DIY "secret" space, built for skaters by skaters, including longtime builder Adam Ludon.

??On May 14, 2012, bulldozers from Norfolk Southern Railway, which owns the space on either side of the track, cleared the Peach Orchard.

??"They said it was because of graffiti," says Peach Orchard crew member Joey O'Mahoney. "I don't know if you've seen Norfolk Southern trains but they still have graffiti. They didn't fix the graffiti problem by bulldozing a public resource."

??So Peach Orchard crewmembers started rebuilding at a new site, dubbed Parisite. "We're not building a replica," O'Mahoney says. "We used to work during the week during the days. Now we get a bunch of heads together on Saturdays and start shoveling at 9 a.m. Hopefully we'll never finish. It can constantly be evolving."

??Peach Orchard doesn't have permission, or permits, from the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission (NORD), though O'Mahoney says there's "an understanding," and no city agency has made any statement supporting or condemning it.

??"At the new spot, the pillars are all painted NORD colors. There used to be tennis courts, barbecue pits and benches under there," he says. "Then at some point they took them out and turned off the lights."

??The Tony Hawk Foundation, which supports youth access to recreational programs (specifically skate parks) through grants and technical assistance, is consulting with the Peach Orchard to help the group draft a letter urging NORD to incorporate skate parks ? 13, citywide, in all neighborhoods ? in its upcoming planning process. (NORD plans seven community meetings in September and October to gather input for its "Neighborhood Participation Plan.")

??Last year, Red Bull completed a 1,075-mile barge tour ? "The Mississippi Grind" ? with a "floating skate park" and a host of professional skateboarders onboard. It set sail from Minneapolis to New Orleans, and when it anchored here, Red Bull donated the floating park's structures for a skate park to be built in New Orleans.

??But the city wasn't ready, despite having the hardware; it needed funding for utilities, bathrooms and other park necessities. New Orleans City Park was out. The city intended for the Lafitte Greenway, the planned 3.1-mile recreational area that will stretch from Armstrong Park to Lakeview, to house the skate park. Right now its parts are in storage. Groups like the Peach Orchard and?the Tony Hawk Foundation aren't waiting.

??"We're in the beginning stages of building the framework for meeting the needs of New Orleans youth, especially as it applies to skateboarding," says Tony Hawk Foundation program planner Peter Whitley, who developed a 2005 program in Tacoma, Washington that turned blighted pockets into pedestrian-friendly skate areas. His "Public Skate Park Development Guide" is used worldwide for building public policy around skate parks. "Right now those kids are skating in the streets, in traffic," Whitley says.

??The foundation has helped get skate parks into master plans in Seattle and Portland, Ore., and Whitley is working with skateboard advocates in San Diego and New York ? and now New Orleans ? to do the same.

??"Planning in New Orleans over the last seven years or so has been up in the air, and it seems like a good time to introduce skate parks as an item for consideration," he says. "We'd rather work more with the advocates and community catalysts, people willing to go out there and DIY it. Those are the people willing to take the lead and demonstrate the need to get it done. ... When you have corporate influence or business interest, that will be their priority. When it comes down to it, it's not about the facility or where it came from, it's about the community around it. After the brand-new car smell goes away, you're left with the skaters."

The DEWeezy park is housed inside the Lower 9th Ward Village on Charbonnet Street. California Skate Parks designed the indoor park along with Make it Right Foundation architect Tim Duggan. The floor design echoes the street grid around the community center, with a line down the middle of the floor representing Caffin Avenue, which connects skate structures at either end of the park representing the boundaries of the Mississippi River and Bayou Bienvenue.

??Outside New Orleans, Baton Rouge's Perkins Road Community Park houses an "Extreme Sports and Skate Park," with a 30,000 square foot concrete park (also built by California Skate Parks) and a BMX bike track. Dreamland Skate Parks opened a 10,000 square feet concrete park in Hammond in 2005.

??Parisite is being created near its Gentilly predecessor, at Paris Avenue and Pleasure Street.

??"We need more advocates who can pester the city," O'Mahoney says. "I personally can only do so much, and I'm not even that good at it. ... It's possible we can get demolished again. Basically what we really need is a large public base?of support that can speak up for us and say, 'No, you can't. We say you can't demolish this. There must be?amnesty.'"


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Amazon App Store Zeroes In On Strengths: Real Goods Purchasing And Recommendations

Screen Shot 2012-09-21 at 6.28.01 PMAt just a year of age, Amazon's app store is a relative newcomer against both Google Play and Apple's app store. Yet given Amazon's prowess in e-commerce plus the Seattle-based company's willingness to aggressively court top-tier mobile developers, the store has certainly made itself noticed in the app ecosystem. We caught up with Aaron Rubenson, who has overseen the app store over the last two years as a director, to see how it's evolved over the past year. So first off, Amazon is notoriously private about any of its sales figures, so there are no numbers on total downloads beyond "hundreds of millions" and there no stats on the active installed base of Kindle owners either.


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Chemist may hold key to building a better toxin 'mousetrap'

ScienceDaily (Sep. 24, 2012) ? A Florida State University chemist's work could lead to big improvements in our ability to detect and eliminate specific toxic substances in our environment.

Featured on the cover of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), Sourav Saha's specialized work to strip electrons from the toxic chemical known as fluoride is producing a variety of unique results.

"I started out with the very basic premise of trying to find new ways to detect toxic fluoride in solutions," said Saha, an assistant professor of chemistry at Florida State. "As I got further into that work I was able to create a compound that could actually strip the electrons right off the molecule, producing a variety of tangible benefits such as toxin detection and removal."

Saha's initial fluoride-detection work led to a $100,000 grant from the Petroleum Research Foundation to further explore the possibilities of his research. Using that money, he was able to bring in additional expertise and build his "fluoride-robbing" compound that is the central feature of the work featured on the JACS cover.

"This work is very exciting and novel because the results are surprising," said Timothy Logan, chairman of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Florida State. "Molecules always have affinity for electrons, with some molecules having a greater affinity than others. Flouride has the highest electron affinity of all, so the ability to strip off electrons from fluoride, especially in the presence of other molecules with lower electron affinity, is truly unique."

Although Saha is excited about the possibilities of his new compound in toxin cleanup, he sees a huge variety of potential applications for his research.

"I think toxin removal is one of the most obvious and relatable benefits my work could lead to, but in reality, there are many additional implications this work could have on daily life," Saha said. "For instance, we could develop this research to create all new types of plastics that could exhibit unique qualities, or improve the effectiveness of devices, such as batteries, that are used to store and transfer energy."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Florida State University. The original article was written by Tom Butler.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Samit Guha, Flynt S. Goodson, Lucas J. Corson, Sourav Saha. Boundaries of Anion/Naphthalenediimide Interactions: From Anion?? Interactions to Anion-Induced Charge-Transfer and Electron-Transfer Phenomena. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012; 134 (33): 13679 DOI: 10.1021/ja303173n

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

"Ninth Circuit hears arguments on California DNA collection law"

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